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VS Battles Wiki


CONTEXT: Character absorbs energy from their entire town and empowers their attacks with it.

We need to know how much energy Morioh produces, the town that they all reside in. To do that, I went about it by using a comparison.

In 1999 (where DiU took place) the average energy use per capita (how much energy a person uses) was 8147 kw/h per year, according to this website. Dividing it by 365 gives us 22 kw/h per person. (which isn't that far off according to this . the 22 kw/h per person may seem a bit high but it doesn't account for utilities and other buildings where people don't live, so it seems fine.)

Morioh has a population of 58,713, multiplying that by the 22 kw/w gives us 1291686 kw/h for Morioh, or roughly 1111 tons, that would be a low 7-C feat. I can consider this the mid-end calc, if we divide the 22 kw/h per person to half of that (which now matches the UK average), it still gives us 555 tons, or 8-A.

But then again, you can make the argument that RHCP didn't absorb a days worth of energy in Morioh (despite being hooked up to it for presumably that long) which I can acknowledge and concede to.

If we take the 22 kw/h per day and divide it by 24 hours it gives us 0.9, the amount Morioh should produce in an hour. Putting it into the previous calculation gives me 46 tons, or still 8-B.

Also keep in mind that RHCP could withstand a beating from the hard hitting The Hand when he was weakened and restricted to only 12 volts. Him having access to a towns worth of energy and still only being 8-B seems fair if him being weakened is not far off from 8-B in the first place.

High End: 1111 tons, Low 7-C

Low End: 555 tons, 8-A

Revised Estimates: 46 tons, 8-B
