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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

This calculaton was requested by Ricsi-viragosi. Simply put, dudebro wants to know how far away the mountains are in this image, given that they are 800m tall. 

Screen Shot 2018-12-24 at 22.29.10


Height of the mountains = 800 m

Using the angsizing equation of

  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(object size/panel height))
  • Mountain size = 99px (orange line)
  • Panel height = 245px (black line)
  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(99/245)) = 0.378 rads

1 radian = 57.2958 degrees. Therefor 0.378 radians = 21.677 degrees

Then I plug that answer into the angsize calculator, and Bob's your uncle

Distance from 'camera' to the mountains = 2089.2 meters, or just over two kilometers
