VS Battles Wiki

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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

NOTE: This is a work in progress

NOTE 2: This mainly covers TV events from 2005 to the present day

I have given permission to Ever edit this blog to help out with EU feats, huge thanks for this.

The Doctor Respect Thread Cover Pic


The Doctor is a time travelling alien that is from the planet Gallifrey. He is part of a race called the Time Lords (A race of ancient beings that protect the universe, although they vow never to interfere). The Doctor left Gallifrey and stole a Type-40 TARDIS to travel about the universe defeating alien races, encountering extraordinary life forms, and showing off his advanced skills to his companions. <tabber widths="400"> |-|9th Doctor=

Physical Feats[]




Enhanced Senses[]


Preparation Feats[]

Standard Equipment[]


Sonic Screwdriver[]

Psychic Paper[]


|-|10th Doctor=

|-|11th Doctor=

|-|12th Doctor=

|-|13th Doctor=

|-|Expanded Universe=


  • Managed to override the commands of the Master of the Land of Fiction, who controls the Land of Fiction based on the idea of narrative causality. Or, basically, he went against what the writer told him to do. Source: Conundrum

"We're in the Land of Fiction", the Doctor answered without argument.


"I've been here before. We're in very grave danger."


"Then none of this is real," announced Ace, with some satisfaction. "Thought so!" The Doctor scowled. 'It's real enough to be dangerous. As long as we stay here, we're just characters in someone else's book. The Writer can do whatever he wants with us.

"I'll have to escape."


"I doubt it." The Doctor smiled, turned and clicked his fingers coolly in the direction of the monitors. As one they burst into life, their images of the fiction that was Arandale restored in all their technicolour glory.

"Off!" yelled the boy, directing his cry at the disobedient screens. "Off!" They flickered and died, and with a further nod of the youth's head, a steel shutter (one which, the Doctor suspected, had not hitherto existed at all) slid smartly across the wall in front of them, locking the knowledge they held firmly away from prying eyes.

  • Taught Bruce Lee everything he knew

"They had been trained in martial arts, but then the Doctor had taught Bruce Lee all he knew." Source: Decalog, page 270.
