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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

This is just me looking for the size of the Pika statue and how far Zoro sent it upwards when he initially cut it in half. I'll need help with the actual DC calculation later.

While looking at the currently accepted calculation, i noticed one thing that bothered me: The top half of the Pika Statue was scaled at being 605.65m in height, which I found too small, considering that the small feet (given his proportion) of the statue could act as a blanket covering several of the buildings below.

So here is what I'll do to find the height of the statue:

Scaling the King's Plateau to the width of the Island

This is perfect as the plateau is located at the center of the island, which means that the height of the plateau can be scaled to the diameter completely.

Pika Statue 1

Scaling from the width of the island:

Island Diameter = Red = 666px = 43,803m

Height of the King's plateau = Orange = 41px = 2696.58108109m for the king's plateau height

That's pretty huge, actually.

Pika statue height

Finding the height of the Pika Statue

Best panel I could find~

Orange = 92px = 2696.58108109m

Green = 175px = 5129.36618685m (Oh My~)

Height of the amount that Zoro cut = yellow = 84px = 2462.09576969m

Distance the top half was sent upwards

Height blasted

The top half of the statue is tilted, so i'll scale based off of the bottom half of the statue instead:

The height of the bottom half of the statue is 5129.36618685 - 2462.09576969 = 2667.27041716

height of the bottom half = 57.5px = 2667.27041716m

Distance traveled = 25.5px = 1182.87644587m (>___>)

Edit: Okay, I'm taking the mass I got from scaling Pica's size manually: Taken from my Pica creating the Flower Hill Calculation

"I'm going to do this bit from scratch.

The Pica statue was initially part of the Flower Hill, and when the Pica Statue was first created, the Flower hill was visibly affected by this, as in it shrank. It must be added to the total value, seeing as how it was part of the initial creation of the flower hill.


Height of the Pica Statue = 5129.36618685m according to the Zoro calculation - roughly the same height as the Flower Hill itself, only a little taller. This is consistent with what is shown in the manga.

Now to scale the volume. For this, I'm going to use the real Pica's body as the scale, which works considering how the statue is a perfect replica, just massive. I will use the actual statue to scale as well, since we need the volume, and not just the area (This only applies for the torso). I'll also use median widths since scaling each part of an arm or leg would take too long.

Height = 5129.36618685m (655px)

Arm: (Green)

Median width = 151px (1182.49529313m)

height = 578px (4526.37271145m)

Volume, assuming a cylinder = 4970000000 m^3 *2 for the 2nd arm = 9940000000 m^3

Torso: (Yellow - Also using 2nd image) Assuming it's a rectangular prism

Width (Image 1 only) = 326.524118558px

Height (Image 1) = 221px (1730.67191908m)

Height (Image 2) = 1730.67191908m (87.8px)

Thickness (Image 2) = 76.48px (1507.53752346m)

Volume, assuming a rectangular prism = 6670000000m^3

Head w/ neck: (Blue)

Height = 103px (806.602749618m)

Width = 84.012px (657.905171857m)

Volume, assuming a cylinder = 274000000m^3"

The total volume sent up by Zoro's slash is 16884000000 m^3... *2700kg/m^3 for stone and we got 4.55868e+13 kg.

PE = 4.55868e+13*9.8*1182.87644587 = 5.2845081e+17 Joules or 126.3 Megatons (Mountain level) - This is the accepted value

Above Base-line, and stronger than Pica's own feat. Very consistent.

Now just for fun:

KE assuming a 1 second time-frame (Even the anime is consistent with this): 3.1892449747095E+19 Joules or 7.623 Gigatons of tnt (Island level) - UNACCEPTABLE
