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Malok propic
Malok! Cunning Malok, sly and slippery! /

Savathûn begat you to betray me / To poison slowly, gnaw from within /

Liar Malok! / You are meant to tithe upon Oryx / To feed your maker with secret blight / Your secret is two lies /

You betrayed your maker; your mother / You hid yourself from Savathûn / The tithing does not reach her jaws /

Your Thrall strength now is Acolyte strength / Your Acolyte strength now is Knight strength / Your thieving pride is known and fed /

Malok! Listen — / I took you from your mother, my sister / Your shape is new / This shape is poison — the shape of secrets /

I name you Malok, which means My Poison / A prize to taunt sister Savathûn / Steal now for me

~ Oryx, the Taken King


Once just a lowly thrall, Malok was created by Savathûn to redirect tithes of might from Oryx to her. However, Malok had other plans. He successfully hid from both Hive Gods to ascend to Princehood, at which made Oryx notice his prescence. Impressed by Malok's actions, Oryx Took him while allowing his indepence. Malok was now empowered with this new form that he would be known for.

After the death of Oryx, Malok rose as a new leader to the otherwise aimless Taken. His goal was to subsume the Osmium throne, and to become the new Taken King. However, he was chased out of the Dreadnaught, hunted down, and slain by a fireteam of three Guardians before this could come to pass.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-B, likely 6-A

Name: Malok, Pride of Oryx; My Poison

Origin: Destiny

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, but very old

Classification: Taken Prince, Blood of Oryx

Powers and Abilities:

Sword Logic, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Immortality (Types 1[1], 5[2], and 7[3]), Acausality (Type 4), Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with Vex energy and data structures, souls, metaphysical samples, Vex that exist as agressive ideas and Nightmares made of chaos, negation, and the raw things found existing in spaces between thought and fear), Subjective Reality (The Light and Darkness are ontological forces that grant power over that which is real, and that which isn’t[4]), Clairvoyance (The Sword Logic finds the weakest point in a structure and destroys it[5]. Powerful Hive also use Shriekers to survey their territory or remote locations[6][7]), Mathematics Manipulation[8], Quantum Manipulation (Darkness manipulates reality at the quantum level[9]), Adaptation (Hive can quickly develop adaptations[10][11]), Earth Manipulation[12], Illusion Creation[13], Telepathy (Should at least be capable of the same as Wizards[14] and Knights[15]), Organic Manipulation (Much of the Hive's technologies and structures are organic[16][17]), Corruption, Matter Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Reality Warping, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Possession (Passively exudes the Taken Blight, which spreads the Taken corruption wherever they go. Can possibly directly Take his foes, though not to the same efficacy as Oryx, the Taken King), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1 [combat inapplicable], Type 2 otherwise; Taken utilize the Darkness, which is an ontological force[4]. When the barrier between the material universe and the Ascendant Plane is eroded, there’s no difference between the words on Hive runes and their meaning. A rune for ‘death’ brings literal death[18]), Radiation Manipulation[19], Sound Manipulation (Taken screams can shatter plastics and burst blood vessels[20]), Aura[21], Limited Black Hole Creation[22], Power Nullification, Regeneration Negation, and Statistics Reduction via Shadow Touched, Absorption (Mastered the power of the Taken, considered suitable to become the new Oryx), Teleportation, Space-Time Manipulation and Gravity Manipulation (With Void abilities and the Taken Blight), Vibration Manipulation with Fist of Darkness, Homing Attack and Explosion Manipulation with Axion Darts, Summoning, Empowerment, Electricity Manipulation and Magnetism Manipulation with Fist of Darkness and his Boomer, Fire Manipulation, Energy Manipulation and Heat Manipulation with Burn Projectiles

Resistance to Information Analysis, Analytical Prediction, Duplication, Precognition, Power Mimicry (The Vex can't simulate paracausal entities[23][24]), Power Absorption, Power Modification, Power Nullification (Nothing happens when he is hit by Suppression Grenades, which prevent the victim from using their abilities. As a significant amount of Malok's power comes from the Sword Logic it's difficult to affect his abilities without affecting the Sword Logic itself. Paracausal powers in general have proven difficult to steal), Subjective Reality, Reality Warping, Law Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, Corruption, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Possession (Malok spreads the Taken Blight and is unaffected by Hive corruption), Corrosion Inducement, Quantum Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Black Hole Creation, Life and Energy-Absorption, Soul Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Macro-Quantum), Fire Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Explosion Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Absolute Zero, Vibration Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Transmutation[25], Sound Manipulation[26][20] (Malok is resistant against the majority of the Guardian's abilities), Poison Manipulation, (Malok is mostly unaffected by the various poisons the Guardian can use. Hive regularly drink poison[27] and only a special sort of poison affects them[28]), Sense Manipulation (Not affected by the Helm of Saint-14[29]), Pain Manipulation (The Hive feed on pain, including their own), Sealing (With powerful enough Sword Logic one can escape sealing that was previously effective[30]), Mind Manipulation and Madness Manipulation (Types 2 and 3; Malok is fine within the Sea of Screams, which is hostile to the psyche[31] and indirect exposure to the Ascendant Plane is enough to drive people mad[32]. He's also unaffected by its brain stain, infection by a contagious idea[33]), and Fusionism (Malok can maintain his 'shape' within the Ascendant Plane[34])

Attack Potency: Large Country level+, likely Continent level (Rose to the rank of Hive Prince before being Taken and could have become the new Taken King after Oryx’s death, though most other contenders were already dead at this point.[35] Malok posed a greater threat than the Psion Flayers who were able to move Phobos into a geostationary orbit close to Mars.[36])

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Comparable if not superior to The Stormherd, who can hook lightning from the air mid-dsecend[37]. Can fight with the Guardian, who was able to react to lightning during their Stormcaller training[38]. Is unusually quick for a Taken being of his size)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Far superior to most Titans, who wear helmets that are heavy enough to snap a human neck[39] and other armor pieces that are heavy enough to break skulls[40] and rocks[41] through sheer mass. A weaker Titan knocked down a weakened Ogre[42], which are roughly the size of an elephant and Malok is even larger), likely Class P (Can match most Guardians, such as Warlocks, at their strongest)

Striking Strength: Large Country level+, likely Continent level

Durability: Large Country level+, likely Continent level (Takes many hit from post-Oryx Guardians before going down)

Stamina: Infinite (The Taken do not tire)

Range: Multiversal with teleportation (Taken can teleport to and throughout the Ascendant Plane), at least Hundreds of Kilometers otherwise

Standard Equipment: Taken Blight, Hive boomer

Intelligence: Above Average (Able to hide from both Savathûn and Oryx for untold ages, stealing enough power to become a 'Prince'. Able to invoke and command the remaining Taken in Oryx's wake, with him being the most likely to become the new Taken King. Eris Morn considers him to be an immediate threat that must be dealt with)

Weaknesses: None notable


  • Hid his treachery from both Savathûn and Oryx for long enough to become an Ascendant hive.
  • His actions impressed Oryx enough for Oryx to let him keep what he had accumulated and bestow him with his Taken form.
  • After the death of Oryx, would have become the new Taken King if not stopped.
  • Mastered the power of the Taken blight, bending it to his will.
  • Considered an immediate threat by Eris Morn, a former Guardian most knowledgeable on the Hive due to her encounter with Crota.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Fist of Darkness: Malok punches the ground, creating a large shockwave capable of instantly killing Guardians.
  • Summon Taken: Malok summons legions of Taken to overwhelm the Guardians.
  • Burn Projectiles: Malok emits a stream of fire, causing a lingering burning effect on the ground around where it hits. This is capable of quickly incinerating guardians, and a direct hit is usually lethal.
  • Axion Dart: Malok fires off a mass of Void projectiles that aggressively seek out and track Guardians. They are known to be able to kill a Guardian.
  • Taken Blight: Being Taken, Malok passively exhudes the blight, spreading the effects of the Taken wherever he goes. Unlike other Taken, Malok has achieved mastery over this power in Oryx's absence. He can consciously utilize its effects, rather than it merely being a consequence of his existence. With this power, Malok can summon legions of Taken on a whim, fill areas with blights, teleport himself across vast distances (from the rings of Saturn to Earth's Moon, empower other Taken, and even spawn blights directly on top of Guardians.

Shadow Touched A debuff inflicted by smaller Taken Blights. This debuff disables double jump abilities, teleportation, nullifies any regenerative effects, and drastically slows down movement speed while applying damage over time. The much larger blight that he made in the center of the room instantly kills Guardians on contact.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:



Discussion threads involving Malok, Pride of Oryx