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VS Battles Wiki

Zombie Render By Skodwarde



Crimson Head

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B | 9-B

Name: Zombies, "Them", "Monsters"

Origin: Resident Evil

Age: Varies

Gender: Varies

Powers and Abilities: Super strength, can communicate with each other, superhuman durability (in a little degree), unlimited stamina, strong teeth, acidic vomit, sharp nails

Attack Potency: Wall level (Can rip apart limbs with ease, can kill humans and even highly trained ones with ease) | Wall level

Speed: Below Average Human (They can be dodged by just walking) | Peak Human (Can outrun or keep up with an athlete with ease)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Wall Class (Able bite a throat off with ease and rip casually apart limbs) | Wall Class

Durability: Wall level (Can withstand being shot with a pistol in the head and live. Got shot several times with a machine-gun and was still a considerable threat), to kill them you need at least a shotgun at point blank or a grenade) | Wall level

Standard Equipment: Their natural weapons (arms, vomit and teeth)

Weaknesses: Sometimes they don´t chase their prey, very slow, they can´t fear anything so they will keep attacking even when they are heavily damaged | Nothing notable

Note: These are the T-Virus ones, the rest of the infected in the Resident Evil franchise are either parasites or bacteria based.

Key: Normal | Crimson Heads


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
