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Utahraptor is a character that appears in the TV show Jurassic Fight Club and a playable character in the game Turf Wars.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Utahraptor

Origin: Jurassic Fight Club/Turf Wars

Gender: Varies depending on the individual (Either male or female)

Age: Varies

Classification: Raptor, Theropod Dinosaur

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Stealth Mastery, Enhanced Senses (Sight and smell), Natural Weaponry (Talons and claws), Summoning of other Utahraptors

Attack Potency: Wall level (Can harm Gastonia[1]. In Turf War is can fight Tyrannosaurus rex, Stegosaurus, etc)

Speed: Superhuman (Comparable to Deinonychus, though slightly slower. Can keep up with Tyrannosaurus rex), higher attack and reaction (Comparable to T.rex; shown in Turf Wars)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Can knock around large theropods and herbivore dinosaurs)

Striking Strength: Wall level (Could jump around 15 feet in the air)

Durability: Wall level (Can survive attacks from Tyrannosaurus, other Utahraptors, Gastonia, and Stegosaurus)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended melee range via size

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence:  Animalistic

Weaknesses: None Notable

Feats: Turf Wars: Utahraptor

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Ambush: Summons a pack of Utahraptors to trample its opponent.
  • Tooth Slash: Attacks with multiple quick bites.
  • Double Claw Slash: Slashes twice with its claws.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. All scans and sources come from Jurassic Fight Club Season 1, Episode 08


Discussion threads involving Utahraptor (Jurassic Fight Club)