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VS Battles Wiki

The old calc uses cinematic timing.

Assumption: Toneri's beam fully extended in 10 seconds.

At full length it was comparable to the diameter of the Moon.

Diameter of the Moon= 3474 km (204 px)

Beam from pixel scaling: 17℅ of the Moon's diameter 34 px

Length of Beam (excluding Moon's diameter): 590.588 km

Length of Beam including Moon's diameter: 3474 km+ 590 588 m= 4064580 m

Low End:

v= 4064580 /10= 406 458.8 m/s 

Mach 1378 or: Massively Hypersonic+

However, the beam is diagonal and hence, we can't be sure that is the appropriate distance, hence, we must result the vector.

The beam is ~32° north East of the diameter.

Therefore, the vertical component= s cos 32 (As the vertical component is adjacent the angle)

s= 4064580 m

Hence total length= 3 446 959.331 m

Time: 10 seconds

High end:

Speed: 3 446 959.331 /10 sec= 344 695.9331 ms-1

Mach 1 168 or Massively Hypersonic+

Scalable to Toneri's attack speed and Naruto's reaction speed.
