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Yooo have found themselves for calculations on Naruto, and this concerns the tenpenchii which currently has no calculation, calculate

Credit to this

Catastrophic Devastation[]

I will calculate the damage caused by mother nature lol

1# Storm[]

Data Requirements;

  • Size Of the Storm
  • Speed of the Storm
  • Air Density
  • KE Formula

According to the blog of galavan, the crater has a size of 289 KM

so, The tornado measures approximately 68 KM and has a height of 174 KM, The speed of this tornado should be extremely high according to me so say a speed of 134m / s (which are reached by tornado of real life)

Now calculate:

V = pi * R ^ 2 * H (Cylinder)

V = pi * (34000m 2) * (174000m) = 6.3e14 = 6.3e20

M = (6.3e17) * (1.003)

M = 6.33e17 Kg

Now find the energy with the KE

  • KE = 1/2 MS ^ 2
  • KE = 1/2 (6.33e17) * (134 ^ 2)
  • KE = 5.6e21 J

2# Lightnings[]

Average lightning has around 1 000 000 000 joules and diameter approximately 1 inch, here lightning = 10 px = 10,9 Km for diameter so the energy of this lightning are 429133 time average lightnings so i obtain 4,29e14J, there is 18 LN so 7,7e15J

3# Rising water[]

Data Required:

  • Speed Of Water
  • Water Density
  • Size of Splash Water

For the volume, I will use the Torus Formula



  • inner radius a = 135000m
  • outer radius b = 202000m

 V = 3.7326671126843E+15 = 3,7e21

M = (3,7e15)*(1000kg) =3,7e18  I use the Tsunami Formula for the Speed and I Obtain 533m/s so:

  • KE = 1/2 MS^2
  • KE = 1/2 (3,7e18)*(533^2)
  • KE =5,2e+23 J

4 # Cloud Devastation[]

Here, the clouds are distorted and spread in all directions, so I will calculate this:

Data Requirements:

  • Cloud Density
  • Speed of Dispertion
  • Size of Cloud and Dispertion

Okay, V = 4/3 * pi * R ^ 3 = V = 4/3 * pi * 402500 ^ 3

V = 2.7e17

M = (2.7e17) * (1.003)

M = 2.7e+17

The feat will last say 30 seconds so S = 13416m / s

  • KE = 1/2 MS ^ 2
  • KE = 1/2 (2.7e17) * (13416 ^ 2)
  • KE = 2.4e25 J


Total energy of the Tenpenchii:

2,5E+25 J or Large Continent
