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VS Battles Wiki


Ryouga (Japanese: リョウガ) is the main character of the Pokémon RéBURST manga.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown

Name: Ryouga

Origin: Pokémon

Gender: Male

Age: Teens

Classification: Trainer, Human, Burster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Electricity Manipulation

Attack Potency: Unknown

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Unknown

Stamina: High

Range: Close, Far with Burst

Standard Equipment: Zekrom Burst Stone, Boldore Burst Stone, Throh (Pokemon) and Sigilyph (Pokemon) & The Compass of Light

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: Nothing Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques: As a user of Burst, Ryouga can use many of the abilities of the Pokémon he combines with: his Zekrom. Due to Zekrom's type combination, Ryouga has the ability to use both Dragon and Electric-type powers (although he couldn't originally use Dragon-type moves). As a normal human, Ryouga has immense physical strength, but with the power of Burst, his strength is augmented greatly.

  • Lightning Perfect Wave (Japanese: 電撃完波 Blitz Perfect Wave; read as ライトニングパーヴ Lightning Pāvu) - Ryouga creates a sphere of electricity in his hand and fires it in the shape of beam at the opponent.
  • 'Lightning Spark (Japanese: 電撃爆裂 Exploding Blitz; read as ライトニングスパーク Lightning Spark) - Ryouga makes close contact with the opponent and creates an energy explosion. It is a risky technique that damages both the user and the target.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

