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VS Battles Wiki
Russel Thrush

"That's a big Ursa!"


Russel Thrush is a student of Beacon Academy, and a member of Team CRDL. His weapons are a pair of daggers. Although he has not had a substantial speaking role, Russel can be seen as a "school bully," just like his leader Cardin, where he calls Velvet Scarlatina a freak because of her rabbit ears.

Just like his team, Russel is seen to be a coward, as he fled from an attacking Ursa. In "Extracurricular," Russel was shown to have incredible skill with his daggers, demonstrating remarkable swordsmanship, although it was nowhere near to that of Pyrrha Nikos. In his fight against Pyrrha, he and his team were able to hold their ground for a respectable amount of time; Russel was even able to deflect several of her shots. However, he was overpowered in the end, thus losing the battle. Russel also displayed incredible acrobatic capability as he flipped and cartwheeled around to evade Pyrrha's attacks and even used a multiple somersault to attack her.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 8-B

Name: Russel Thrush

Origin: RWBY

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Classification: Human, Huntsman-in-training, Member of Team CRDL

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Able to manipulate and use his Aura (Ki/Chi) defensively (Enhances his natural durability), offensively (Enhances his striking power and sharpens his senses), and to unlock the Aura of another person, Is a skilled user of daggers

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Should be comparable to Cardin)

Speed: Hypersonic+ with High Hypersonic reactions (Dodged many attacks from season 2 Pyrrha and was even able to hit her)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least City Block Class

Durability: At least City Block level (Survived a casual hit from Pyrrha)

Stamina: Above Average

Range: Extended melee range with his Dagger

Standard Equipment: Dagger

Intelligence: Decent fighter

Weaknesses: Continual use of his Aura will cause it to decay to the point where he can be left weakened or even incapacitated

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

"Russel's Daggers"

Russel's Daggers - appear to be a pair of short, curved daggers with a revolving chamber or other cylindrical mechanism built into the hilt of each dagger. The chambers appear to contain several differently colored components, most likely Dust, in a configuration reminiscent of Weiss Schnee's Myrtenaster. The colors include red, blue, yellow, green, and white.

However, despite appearances, Russel does not appear to use any special features, using the Daggers solely as melee weapons. During the fight with Pyrrha, he is also shown throwing one dagger (to no effect).


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
