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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 4-C

Name: Neo

Origin: Toriko

Gender: Unknown

Age: Hundreds of millions of years old

Classification: Gourmet Demon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Resurrection, Regeneration and Resurrection Nullification, Size Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Body Control, Energy Projection, Light Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Sound ManipulationExistence Erasure (Can erase people and their soul by eating themate Don Slime's spirit form which is an invisible soulFood Spirits like Don Slime are intangible like Kaka), Soul Manipulation (Ate Don Slime's spirit formwhich is invisible and intangible), Resistance to Time Stop (Was able to move in World of Souls despite it having no flow of time, where the concept of space-time doesn't exist, and anybody entering the World of Souls, even spirits, will lose their sense of time, distance or space)

Attack Potency: Large Star level (Don Slime stated that Neo ate countless stars. Pair reaffirmed that Neo ate an astronomical number of stars from the blue universe. While fighting Emperor Crow, Neo emitted a light which could completely wipe out the Sun, and ate Don Slime's condensed star explosion. Neo is at the top of the universal food chain, and as such Neo should be stronger than the Demon King and Cosmos Mammoths)

Speed: Massively FTL via powerscaling with Massively FTL+ travel speed

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Star Class

Durability: Large Star level (Neo has resurrected from many supernova explosions)

Stamina: Extremely High

Range: Planetary

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: He can't stand The flavor of Anger


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
