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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
KUBO charact 08themoonking


He is Kubo's evil Grandfather who is determined to make him a deity and take him to he Heavens by removing his eyes.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 4-B

Name:  The Moon King

Origin: Kubo and the Two Strings

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Moon Deity

Powers and Abilities:  Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsMagicShapeshifting, ImmortalityDream ManipulationCan see everything in the night

Attack Potency Solar System level (Superior to his daughters, who killed a being large enough to fit the Earth on its fingernails)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Solar System Class

Durability: Solar System level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range in Human form, Higher in Monster Form, Planetary Sensory Range at Night

Standard Equipment: Nothing Notable

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: He is blind

Note: Not to be confused with Moon Lord (Terraria)


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
