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Miyabi (雅緋), a third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy and the leader of its prestigious would-be Elites. Although powerful enough to attain a leadership role during her first year, a certain event caused her to lose both her memories and her abilities.

She was hospitalized for three years and had been living an empty existence, however witnessing the revival of Orochi and destruction of Hebiijo made everything she lost resurface. She now stands again as part of the Hebijo reconstruction effort, fending off rivals with her seven-pronged sword and her black flame.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A, higher with Frantic Mode, Low 7-C as Abyssal Miyabi

Name: Miyabi

Origin: Senran Kagura

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Classification: Shinobi

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Swordswoman, Ninjutsu Expert, Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of interacting with Ryōki and other ghost, Shinobi like Yagyū affirms that she has fought ghosts before. Shinobi can interact with Yōma, which are considered to be spirits), Supernatural Willpower (Elite shinobi have enough willpower to resist the passive effects of the Super Secret Ninja Scroll. Shinobi can still fight even when they're on fire), Stealth Mastery (All shinobi are trained in the art of stealth), Extrasensory Perception (Shinobi can detect the presences of others, knowing their location, numbers, and even tell if they're evil or not), Flight (All shinobi can push off the air by jumping, and can even dash in mid air. Can grow multiple wings that allow her to fly freely), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Can create Shinobi Barriers, pocket realms to fight in that hide shinobi from regular civilians and minimizes collateral damage), Spatial Manipulation (Shinobi can create a Shinobi Barrier, when they fight, a dimension separated from reality that's surrounded by, impenetrable forcefields. Even lesser Shinobi can warp space around them); limited Water Manipulation, Weapon Control, and Damage Boost (Shinobi can infuse water guns with their spirit transforming them into powerful weapons); Summoning (Can summon snakes), Fire Manipulation (Can generate and control black fire), Darkness Manipulation, Transformation, Statistics Amplification (Frantic Mode boosts attack speed and power but reduces defense), Blood Manipulation (Can absorb the blood that spills within a shinobi barrier), Berserk Mode (Blood Riot sends the user into a blind rage), limited Telekinesis (Can telekinetically hold and attack with her sword), Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Was unaffected by Dogen's attempt to brainwash her with his hypnosis. Dogen is skilled enough to brainwash other shinobi who are immune to hypnosis), and Madness Manipulation (Elite shinobi can resist the passive effects of the Super Secret Ninja Scroll, which turned multiple teams of lesser shinobi completely insane)

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level+ (Was able to barely defeat Root of Calamity Imu. Able to fight evenly against Asuka and Homura), higher with Frantic Mode, Small Town level as Abyssal Miyabi (Killed Ryōki, who body was possessed by a Yoma)

Speed: Subsonic travel speed (Comparable to other shinobi, such as Hibari), Hypersonic reactions and combat speed (Can keep up with other shinobi like Asuka, who is far faster than she was 6 months ago), higher with Frantic Mode, far higher as Abyssal Miyabi

Lifting Strength: At least Class K (Far stronger than Burst Yagyu), far higher as Abyssal Miyabi

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level+, higher with Frantic Mode, Small Town level as Abyssal Miyabi

Durability: Multi-City Block level+ (Can take hits from Asuka, and Homura), lower with Frantic Mode, Small Town level as Abyssal Miyabi (Took many hits from a Yoma possed Ryōki)

Stamina: Superhuman (Mostly due to her training as a shinobi. Is a student at Hebijo Academy, where they reportedly train for up to 30 hours at a time on occasion)

Range: Extended melee range with katana, tens of meters with certain Ninja Arts

Standard Equipment: Katana

Intelligence: Incredibly skilled combatant and leader. Blood Riot renders the user mindless if they are left in this state for very long.

Weaknesses: Overconfident at times. Has yet to master the Blood Riot Ninja Art. Blood Riot will drive the user to madness and even kill them if they are left in this state for too long. Also highly vulnerable when her clothes are ripped in battle.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Shinobi Transformation: A physical technique that uses the Attribute of Yang, in where the fundamental essence of the shinobi is used as a battle tool by releasing the body's internal spiritual energy in all six chakras simultaneously.

Frantic Mode: A technique that uses the Attribute of Yin, performed by stripping off one's clothing, resulting in a considerable enhancement in speed and attack power by absorbing blood spilled within the shinobi barrier. However, it is a double-edged sword, as it also incurs a significant penalty to defense.

Delightful Inferno: Miyabi coats her seven-pronged sword with a dark aura before jumping right in with a fury of hard-hitting slashes. This move ends with Miyabi sheathing her sword and a ravenous explosion of power sends enemies flying. With its new attack range, this Art works against groups as well as powerful enemies. It includes the benefits of being unblockable and burning whatever it strikes.

Purgatorio of Good and Evil: Miyabi summons a nest of blood-red snakes from her left hand, which sink their fangs into everything surrounding her, creating a large vortex of darkness. This art has a wide-range, and it is perfect against large groups of enemies.

Paradiso of the Abyss: Miyabi places her hand over her chest and suddenly sprouts six black wings. She takes to the sky and coats her 7-pronged blade with the black fire from her left hand which also extends it. She then begins to wave her sword while in the air, attacking the ground below her with an onslaught of infinite projectiles from her sword. She ends it off by crashing down into the ground with a downward punch. She can adjust this Art's aim, changing targets on the fly.

Blood Riot: A Forbidden Ninja Art that absorbs blood from the shinobi blood barrier. Blood Riot temporarily increases strength but wears out the mind and body. The user will more than likely go berserk after being empowered by the technique and can figuratively become an unstoppable force at the price of their self-control and sanity. The only way to stop Blood Riot is by using the Ninja Art known as Blood Reverse.

  • Abyssal Mode: After activating Blood Riot, Miyabi body grew three white wings and three black wing. Her hair dons a similar pallet as her wings, though on opposing sides, her eyes change color and there is a serpent mark under her right eye. Her sword becomes a seven-branch sword that is twice as large and freely floats as she controls it and begins her onslaught.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Miyabi