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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Maero and his chain gun
You really think that a couple washed up bangers like you and Gat have a chance against the Brotherhood?

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B, higher with weaponry | 7-B

Key: Saints Row 2 | Saints Row IV

Name: Maero

Origin: Saints Row

Gender: Male

Age: Appears to be in his mid 20's

Classification: Human, Leader of the Brotherhood

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled marksman, Skilled hand-to-hand fighter | All previous abilities, plus Forcefield generation and Resistance to Explosions, Fire, and Small Firearms

Attack Potency: Wall level (Physically on-par with Johnny Gat and The Boss), higher with weaponry | City level (Should be comparable to The Boss)

Speed: Peak Human | Peak Human with Supersonic reactions and combat speed (Can keep up with The Boss)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human | Superhuman

Striking Strength: Wall level (Can tear through metal, and can hit the Boss through several floors) | City level

Durability: Wall level (Survived having his face nearly melted off by nuclear waste, Survived his monster truck exploding with him inside, and survived falling through several floors and escaped soon after) | City level, Higher with Energy Shield (The Energy Shield makes him immune to all conventional weapons including RPGs and lasers)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard Melee Range with his fists, Hundreds of Meters with firearms

Standard Equipment: Minigun, Satchel Charges, Shokolov AR

Intelligence: Above Average (Was able to form The Brotherhood, a well-organized gang, from nothing but a group of outcasts and criminals)

Weaknesses: Can be extremely brash and hotheaded | Can only use Super Powers in The Simulation, His Energy Shield can be temporarily disabled with any superpower

Notable Attack/Techniques:

  • Energy Shield: Similar to Wardens, Maero possesses a forcefield-like barrier which makes him invulnerable to all non-superpower-based attacks. This forcefield, however, can be temporarily disabled when Maero is hit with a superpower, though it will reactivate a few seconds later.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Maero