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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki


Isabella "Ivy" Valentine (イザベラ・バレンタイン - アイヴィー, Izabera Barentain - Aibī) is a character in the Soul series of fighting games.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 8-C | Unknown

Name: Isabella/Ivy Valentine

Origin: Soul Calibur

Gender: Female

Age: 49 (Although she stopped aging at 32)

Classification: Human, Alchemist

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Minor Time Manipulation (Can slow down time), Telekinesis through her 9 sword shards, Energy Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Alchemy, Immortality (Type 1)

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Fought and defeated Cervantes) | Unknown

Speed: Superhuman with Supersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Kicked away a bullet from Cervantes at point blank range) | Unknown

Lifting Strength: Superhuman | Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Building Class | Unknown

Durability: Large Building level (Took hits from Cervantes) | Unknown

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range, tens of meters (12 meters) with attacks and abilities.

Standard Equipment: Magical whip sword.

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: None notable

Keys: Soul Calibur l-V | Soul Calibur Vl


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Tracer (Overwatch) Tracer's Profile (Speed equalized)

Inconclusive Matches:
