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VS Battles Wiki
No Chain, No Gain!
~ Ghost Roaster


There was a time when Ghost Roaster was neither a ghost nor a roaster. Instead he was a chef named Olav living in a village high in the mountains. One day, while clipping wool from a sheep to use in a recipe, he accidentally fell into the Valley of the Undead and transformed into a ghost eating ghoul! After eating an entire spectral village, its Ethereal Ruler chained Ghost Roaster to a spiked ball as punishment -- its rattle heard as he wanders the night, warning nearby spirits. When Master Eon eventually heard of his predicament, he figured even a ghost eater could be useful. So he made Ghost Roaster a Skylander... after he promised to eat only evil ghosts.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 3-A | 3-A

Key: Base | Elite

Name: Ghost Roaster, formerly Olav

Origin: Skylanders

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Ghoul

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Chain User, Soul Manipulation (Can harm souls and eat ghosts), Transformation (Can turn into a giant Skull), Intangibility (Can turn into ectoplasm, making him unaffected by attacks), Statistics Amplification (While ectoplasmic, his speed increases), Explosion Manipulation (When he turns ectoplasmic, it causes an explosion. Any ghost he touches while ectoplasmic explodes), Transmutation (Defeating someone with his chain or while a Skull turns them into a ghost), Morality Manipulation (Those he turns into ghosts fight for him), Healing (Eating ghosts heals him)

Attack Potency: Universe level (Boomer, Voodood and Ghost Roaster were able to knock out Spitfire, Stormblade, and Nightfall with their attacks) | Universe level (3X stronger than their base form)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+, likely Relativistic+ (Shouldn't be much slower than Lightning Rod, despite being chained down) with Speed of Light combat speed and reactions (Comparable to SuperChargers)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can still move despite the chain being attached to him, and can whip it around like it weighs nothing)

Striking Strength: Universe level | Universe level

Durability: Universe level | Universe level

Stamina: High

Range: Extended Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Chainball

Intelligence: At least Above Average. Skilled in combat. Before he became a Ghoul, he was a talented chef.

Weaknesses: Will do anything to be noticed, even when on a vilains side. Undead have a weakness to the magic and fire elements

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Chain Whip: Swings his chain tail at enemies.

  • Pain Chain: Chain Whip attacks do increased damage.

Skull Charge: Transforms into a ghostly head that barrels through enemies.

  • Metalhead: The Skull Charge attacks last longer.
  • Fright Bite: Skull Charge does increased damage.
  • Unfinished Business: Defeating an enemy with Skull Charge turns them into a ghost.
  • Life Transfer: Devouring a ghost while doing a Skull Charge heals him.

Ectoplasm Mode: Enters Ectoplasm Mode and be immune to all attacks, but lose health over time.

  • Phase Shift Burst: All nearby enemies take damage when you enter Ectoplasm Mode.
  • Ecto-Friendly: While in Ectoplasm Mode, you move faster and lose less health over time.
  • Nightmare Touch: Touching a ghost while in Ectoplasm Mode creates a powerful explosion.

Haunt: Defeating an enemy with the Chain Whip turns them into a ghost that attacks other enemies.

  • Lingering Curse Ghosts have a bigger attack range and knocks enemies away.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Ghost Roaster