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Focus Rifle Cropped


The Type-52 Special Applications Rifle, more commonly known as the Focus Rifle is a Directed Energy Weapon used by the Covenant Empire. The Focus Rifle is a Covenant sniper-style weapon, that, despite its visual similarities to the Type-50 Sniper Rifle System, functions quite differently from its counterpart. It fires a continuous orange-tinted beam, similar in operation to a Sentinel Beam.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Type-52 Special Applications Rifle, Focus Rifle

Origin: Halo

Age: Unknown

Classification: Special Applications Rifle

Wielders: Covenant Empire

Powers and Abilities: Plasma Manipulation (Focus Rifles project superheated, electromagnetically guided plasma plasma), Heat Manipulation (Plasma Weapons are capable of inflicting injuries including severe third-degree burns, flash vaporization of bodily fluids, instant cauterization of wounds which traps fluids in organs or blood vessels and, in addition to the rapid expansion of heat, can cause ruptures or small explosions within the victim. Near misses can also cause injury to the target, as convection created by the shots can burn the intended target which can lead to heat trauma or heat stroke due to the exposure to extreme temperatures.)

Attack Potency: Wall level (As a designated Heavy Weapon, the Focus Rifle should be comparable in power to the Fuel Rod Cannon)

Speed: Unknown Attack Speed

Durability: Unknown

Range: Hundreds of meters

Weaknesses: Firing the weapon immediately reveals the user's position as the beam fired by the weapon is extraordinarily visible and audible. Overheats if used for too long.
