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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Do you think I'm staying because I'm brave? The moment I'm strong enough, I'm gone.
~ Fletcher after he is forced to open the portal in Aranmore Farm


Fletcher Renn is the last living Teleporter in the world. He is Valkyrie Cain's ex-boyfriend, and has helped her with several of her missions, possibly the most notable of which being opening a portal to an alternate dimension so that Valkyrie could retrieve Skulduggery Pleasant from the Faceless Ones' realm. Teleporter in the world. He is Valkyrie Cain's ex-boyfriend, and has helped her with several of her missions, possibly the most notable of which being opening a portal to an alternate dimension so that Valkyrie could retrieve Skulduggery Pleasant from the Faceless Ones' realm.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-B

Name: Fletcher Renn

Origin: Skulduggery Pleasant

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Classification: Human, Magician, Teleporter

Powers and Abilities: Teleportation (through magic)

Attack Potency: Human level

Speed: Normal Human

Lifting Strength: Regular Human

Striking Strength: Human Class

Durability: Human level

Stamina: Average

Range: Planetary (everywhere he has ever seen)

Standard Equipment: None, but can quickly teleport him thinks like baseball bats, dumbbells, taser guns etc.

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Teleportation: Fletchers magic allows him to teleport everything he touches to every place he has ever visited. He uses this ability in battle to teleport to dodge, teleport in weapons or teleport the opponent to other places, like for example high into the air letting them drop. The way the ability is described it seemingly has no limit on how much can be teleported at once as long as everything is connected to Fletcher, but the most that was ever demonstrated was him teleporting thousands of people. The ability also allows him to open portals to other universes if he has an object from the universe.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
