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Fiora (Japanese: フィオルン, Fiorun, Fiorung; English dub: /fiˈɔərə/) is one of the seven playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles. She is a childhood friend of Shulk and Reyn and is the younger sister of Dunban. She has a soft spot for Shulk and often cooks for him, for which he is grateful. 

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 8-C | 5-C | 5-C

Name: Fiora, Face Nemesis

Origin: Xenoblade

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Classification: Formerly Homs (recovers it at the end of the game), mid game she is half Homs and half Machina

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Can control a Face Mechon, Can summon drones to fight, Can use two blades made of Mechon metal to flight, Can shoot lasers, Can inflict Daze, Sleep, Paralysis and debuff the enemy, Can create ether with enough energy to cause an explosion, Can give herself regeneration (Mid-Low)

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Comparable to her brother Dunban, can easily kill mid-level Mechon which can take artillery fire head on) | Moon level (Due being a little stronger than Metal Face with ether. Could fight off the Monado 2, which is the Monado that used by the Bionis, destroyed all Galahad Fortress and could fight off Yaldabaoth, which is the strongest Mechon) | Moon level (Comparable to Mechonis)

Speed: Superhuman with Supersonic+ reactions | Massively Hypersonic | FTL+ (Comparable to Shulk end-game)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Building Class | Moon Class | Moon Class

Durability: Large Building level | Moon level | Moon level (Survived blows from Zanza, who was comparable to Bionis at the time)

Stamina: Very high. Limitless as Face Nemesis.

Range: Extended melee range. Tens of meters to thousands of kilometers at end-game with projectiles.

Standard Equipment: Drones, her blades, laser beams.

  • Cannon Drones: Deals great ether damage in a straight line.
  • Gun Drones: A 6-hit area ether damage combo.
  • Sword Drones: A 10-hit physical combo on a single enemy.
  • Shield Drones: At level 1 it mimics Shulk's Talent Art "Monado Shield", but at level 2 provides debuff immunity.

(Note: Only one kind of drone can be equipped at once)

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: Low stamina

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Double Blade: Physical attack. Does triple damage from behind.
  • Spear Blade: A powerful dashing attack. Does extra damage against toppled enemies.
  • Cross Impact: Attacks 2 times and causes daze if the enemy is toppled.
  • Healing Energy: Removes debuffs and grants regeneration to self.
  • Zero Energy: Inflicts Paralysis in a circle around Fiora.
  • Ether Drain: Lowers enemy Ether and increases Fiora's.
  • Air Fang: Attacks 2 times in the air, causing break.
  • Double Wind: Attacks enemies in a frontal cone.
  • Second Gear: Greatly boosts the power of next attack art.
  • Lock On: Forces the enemy to target her (only really useful in team battles)
  • Mag Storm: Ether attack all around Fiora. Inflicts Daze on mechanical enemies.
  • Shutdown: Inflicts sleep. When used on mechanical enemies, it removes their buffs and debuffs.
  • Guard Shift: Guarantees physical block, reduces attack power.
  • Power Drain: Lowers enemy Strength and increases Fiora's, if used on more than one enemy, Fiora's strength increases further.
  • Speed Shift: Increases Fiora's speed and attack speed. Reduces her defence.
  • Final Cross: A massive area of effect Ether attack that hits multiple times, deals heavy damage, and forces Topple. Requires tension to be at max.

Note: Homs Fiora has very few feats. The only notable feat is being able to pilot the Mobile Artillery with great skill.

Key: Mid-Game | Face Nemesis | Meyneth's Power


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
