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VS Battles Wiki


Worms are the main antagonists of the first arc of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Terminal storyline. They are a constantly evolving alien species known for destroying planets over time. One day, a meteorite containing their simpler forms crashed on a war-ravaged planet. Their goals are to consume the planet and exhaust it of its energy. Its final stage and form, Worm Zero, is the cause of this destruction through numerous evolutions and battles. They are ultimately defeated by the Allies of Justice using Ally of Justice Decisive Armor.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-A | 8-C | High 4-C, Higher overtime

Key: Lower Class | Upper and Uppermost Class | Worm Zero

Name: Worm

Origin: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Gender: Genderless

Classification: Alien parasite

Powers and Abilities: Adaptation and Reactive Evolution (Evolve through combat and external stimuli. Some have gained heightened Intelligence,and Superhuman Physical Characteristics), Flight , Duplication, Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Can survive in space) | Same as before, Absorption (Absorbs other Worms to grow stronger) | Same as before, Fusionism (Can also assimilate with planets), Telepathy, Summoning, and Portal Creation, Spatial Manipulation (tore Space apart when he appeared).

Attack Potency: Athlete level (Can harm members of the Allies of Justice, including X-Sabers and Mist Valley Soldiers). | Building level (Comparable to Naturia Leodrake and are considered a threat across the universe, making them comparable to Marauding Captain and Freed) | Large Star level (Mutually killed Ally of Justice Decisive Armor. Described as incomparable in power to any other Worm), Higher overtime (Assimilates planets into one of itself)

Speed: Unknown | Unknown, possibly High Hypersonic (Could be comparable to Jurrac Titano, who escaped the atmosphere) | Unknown, possibly High Hypersonic

Striking Strength: Athlete level | Building level | Unknown (Cannot strike due to lack of limbs and nature of creature)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown

Durability: At most Athlete level (Fought on par with the Ally of Justice tribes or died in the process). | Building level | Large Star level (The collective bodies of the worms were used by the Evilswarm to create Evilswarm Azzathoth, a being capable of fighting the Constellars, Worm Zero should be comparable as it absorbed all other Worms)

Stamina: Likely Infinite

Range: Standard Melee Range | Extended Melee Range from sheer size. | Several Kilometers, Planetary with Prep.

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Animalistic normally, can evolve into standard human intelligence. | Possibly exceeds Average Human intelligence by an extreme margin (Is made out of the minds of the several Worms that have gained human-level intelligence.) | Same as before.

Weaknesses: None Notable

Note: This profiles covers the Worms from the official Duel Terminal storyline.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Worm (Yu-Gi-Oh!)