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VS Battles Wiki
Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That may be one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change.
~ Yoruichi to Inoue and Chad


Yoruichi Shihōin (四楓院 夜一, Shihōin Yoruichi) is the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, as well as the former commander of the Onmitsukido. Her lieutenant was Marenoshin Omaeda. Having abandoned her command of both positions, she works with Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi, based in the Urahara Shop out in the Human World.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 7-B, far higher with Shunkō | At least 6-B, far higher with Shunkō | 5-C, far higher with Shunkō | High 6-A, higher with Shunkō, even higher with Flash Goddess Form

Key: Soul Society Arc | Arrancar Arc | Anti-Hierro Armor | Thousand Year Blood War Arc

Name: Shihōin Yoruichi

Origin: Bleach

Gender: Female

Age: At least over 200 years

Classification: Shinigami

Powers and Abilities: Soul Physiology and Shinigami Physiology (Soul: High-Tier/Shinigami: High-Tier), Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Fought and exchanged blows equally with Sui Feng[1]), Afterimage Creation (With Utsusemi - Yoruichi can create a duplicate of herself that looks exactly like her and bleeds when cut[2], she creates this clone from an article of clothing[2]), Transformation (Yoruichi can transform into a black cat[3]), Barrier Creation (Created barriers around the Mimihagi to protect it from Yhwach's attacks[4]), Statistics Amplification, Energy Projection and Electricity Manipulation (With Shunkō Yoruichi coats dense lightning-based kido onto her arms and legs[5], granting her the ability to generate[5] massive blast of lightning[5], it also greatly increases her attacking power[6] and speed[7]), Limited Power Nullification (With Hanki - Yoruichi can destroy the kido attacks of others through generating[8] an equal but opposite amount of force of kido from her palm[8]), Corrosion Inducement (Yoruichi possess a set of ball-shaped throwables which causes those strucked by them to melt and dissolve[9])

Attack Potency: At least City level+ (Yoruichi and the others contributed[10] roughly equal portions of their spirit energy[11] into the Reishukaku[12] enabling them to survive this impact, she is the only one who is implied to not have struggled with Ichigo's output[13][14], and she bruised Soi-Fon in their battle[15][Statistics Values 1]), far higher with Shunko (With her mastered Shunko, Yoruichi amplifies her stats beyond Soi-Fon's Shunko[16]) | At least Country level (Dominated Yammy[17][18][Statistics Values 2]), far higher with Shunko | Moon level (Cracked Second Fusion Aizen's shell[19], which would put her on par with Kisuke, she's stronger than Bankai Ichigo[20], and her Anti-Hierro Armor was specifically designed to crush through enhanced durability[21][Statistics Values 3]), far higher with Shunko (Further cracks Second Fusion Aizen's shell[22], dealing more damage to Aizen's shell than Kisuke) | Multi-Continent level (Fought Askin), higher with Shunkō, even higher with Flash Goddess Form (Quickly overwhelmed Askin to the point of forcing him into Vollständig)

Speed: High Hypersonic (She was given the title Goddess of Flash for her proficiency in Flash Step and is also one of the fastest speedsters in and out of Soul Society, despite being out of shape, she is still faster than Byakuya), higher with Shunkō | High Hypersonic (Faster than before, gave Yammy a beating before he reacted) | Sub-Relativistic (Comparable to Urahara) | Sub-Relativistic (At least as fast as her Pre-Timeskip self), higher with Shunkō, even higher with Flash Goddess Form (Blitzed Askin)

Lifting Strength: Likely Class M (As a captain class Shinigami[23], Yoruichi should logically scale above Jidanbo in strength via possessing more Reiryoku then him, with Reiryoku being used to enhance one's physical capabilities, such as strength[Statistics Values 4]) | Class M (Flipped Yammy) | Class G (Comparable to Urahara)

Striking Strength: At least City level+ (Comparable to her Attack Potency, as she was able to physically keep up with Soi-Fon for a time), far higher with Shunko | At least Country level (Comparable to her Attack Potency, as she physically beat down Yammy), far higher with Shunko | Moon level (Comparable to her Attack Potency, as she attacks solely with physical strikes), far higher with Shunko | At least Multi-Continent level, higher with Shunkō, even higher with Flash Goddess Form

Durability: At least City level+ (Capable of briefly fending off Soi-Fon[24][25][Statistics Values 5]), far higher with Shunko | At least Country level (Comparable to her Striking Strength, as her arms can withstand the force of her own punches), far higher with Shunko (Yoruichi states she wouldn't have taken damage from Yammy's Hierro had she used Shunko) | Moon level (Comparable to her Attack Potency, as her Anti-Hierro Armor withstood the force of her own strikes[Statistics Values 6]), far higher with Shunko | Multi-Continent level (Took attacks from Askin)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with Raiōken

Standard Equipment: Her Zanpakutō, Tentōken, Anken and Anti-Hierro Armor

Intelligence: As the former head of her clan and ex-commander of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi is a capable leader. She has repeatedly proven to be insightful and crafty, capable of quickly understanding any situation that presents itself and adjusting to it effectively. Upon learning Ichigo would go to save Rukia no matter what, Yoruichi began making preparations of her own by training Orihime and Chad.

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Shunpo: A Shinigami movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least number of steps.

  • Utsusemi: This technique allows the user to move at great speed to avoid an attack, creating an afterimage to substitute the damage.
  • Takigoi:: The practitioner utilizes this technique to create an opening in their opponent's defense.
  • Taketonbo:: A technique in which the user violently flips the opponent on their backs.
  • Raiōken:: A technique pummeling the opponent with multiple high-speed punches.
Yoruichi Shunko


Shunkō (Lightning):: An advanced technique which combines Hakuda with Kidō. This technique enhances Yoruichi by wrapping her body with compressed Kido, Yoruichi, in particular, having the element of lightning. Yoruichi can fire off this Kido to create explosions and neutralize enemy movement with her reiatsu.

  • Shunkō: Raijin Senkei: The lightning emitted from Yoruichi's back creates a circle of electrical energy in the shape of Raijin's drums behind her as Yoruichi unleashes a giant column of concentrated electrical energy to engulf her opponent.
  • Shunkō: Raiju Senkei: Shunryū Kokubyō Senkei: After being enveloped in a column of lightning, Yoruichi develops a form that is a cross between her feline and human forms. Aside from her abilities enhancing dramatically, her reiatsu signature changes 48 times per second in response to her mood. It also makes her extremely fickle like a cat as a side effect.


Yoruichi Unnamed Barrier

Unknown Barrier

Kidō: Spells cast by Shinigami with strong enough Reiryoku and Reiryoku control. Kidō is divided into mainly three categories: Hadō for attacks, Bakudō for battle support and Kaidō for healing. The spells are ranking from 1-99 with 1 being the weaker and easier spells to cast and 99 being the most powerful and difficult to cast. Skilled users can cast Kidō without the need of an incantation; however, casting without incantation does reduce the Kidō's effectiveness to less than a third of its full potential.

  • Hanki: This technique is used by Yoruichi during Shunkō. It can be used to cancel enemy attacks.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. Bleach: Chapter 157
  2. 2.0 2.1 Bleach: Chapter 118
  3. Bleach: Chapter 116
  4. Bleach: Chapter 618
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Chapter 158
  6. Bleach: Chapter 663
  7. Bleach: Chapter 656
  8. 8.0 8.1 Bleach: Chapter 159
  9. Bleach: Chapter 619
  10. Bleach Chapter 80
  11. Bleach Chapter 80
  12. Bleach Chapter 84
  13. Bleach Chapter 84
  14. Bleach Chapter 85
  15. Bleach Chapter 157
  16. Bleach Chapter 159
  17. Bleach Chapter 194
  18. Bleach Chapter 195
  19. Bleach Chapter 403
  20. Bleach Chapter 406
  21. Bleach Official Character Book 3
  22. Bleach Chapter 405
  23. Bleach: Chapter 315.2
  24. Bleach Chapter 154
  25. Bleach Chapter 157


  1. 56.267 Megatons
  2. 38.94 Teratons
  3. 99.7875 Exatons
  4. 164887800 kg
  5. 56.267 Megatons
  6. 99.7875 Exatons


Discussion threads involving Yoruichi Shihoin