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Credit to Fanat08

Wolfie's fine honey, Wolfie's just fine... where are you?
~ The T-1000, impersonating Janelle Voight, attempting to find John Connor through the phone.


The T-1000 is a Terminator series with the purpose of infiltration. It is made with a metallic endoskeleton and covered with a poly alloy that allows it to change shape.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: T-1000

Origin: The Terminator (Series)

Gender: None (Appears as male)

Age: Unknown

Classification: Highly advanced robotic assassin/killing machine, interfaced with living tissue.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Marksman (should be comparable to the T-800), Self-Sustenance (Type 3), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Shapeshifting, Weapon Creation and Voice Mimicry (Can transform its body to take the physique of bodies with a similar volume as itself, typically other humans after physical touch, or even the floor, as well as mimic their voice, Can grow extra limbs and shape weapons from its body), Regeneration (Low-High), Can use its metal as a tracking device, Can revive terminators, Phasing through grates, bars, small holes, and helicopter windshields (able to use this in combat as Intangibility), Limited Resistance to Fire Manipulation (As shown here), Electricity Manipulation Immunity

Attack Potency: Wall level (Overpowered the T-800 several times and at the end of the film, nearly destroyed it)

Speed: At least Superhuman (Kept pace with a dirtbike and a reversing car) with possibly Supersonic reactions (Scaling from the T-800)

Lifting Strength: Class K (Comparable to the T-800)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level (Bullets don't do much damage to its endoskeleton. One was rammed by a truck and it didn't take any lasting damage. Took a large explosion and the endoskeleton was fine. Took punches from the T-800). Its regeneration makes it hard to destroy (It was frozen, then shattered, and managed to heal in a minute or so)

Stamina: Virtually Infinite (The T-1000 can operate continuously on a single power cell for 120 years)

Range: Standard Melee Range, higher with various firearms.

Standard Equipment: Any weapon it can think of that it can create with its own body. Being a police officer in most of its appearances, will carry a pistol.

Intelligence: Normally, a T-1000's learning aptitude is restricted, but when set to "write" instead of "read" mode, they can adapt to and develop almost human personalities. They are also able to quickly adapt to and use technology/weapons/vehicles, especially those within Skynet's database on modern technology. Terminators are made to perfectly blend into and interact with society, as well as understand its norms to better integrate or even ascend to a higher position in it, such as impersonating a police officer. They use detective skills to find their targets multiple times over the course of their films, using all types of resources such as police records, a target's family or guardians to influence their targets actions or predict their next course of action to intercept them.

Standard Tactics: To find a target, uses various means, such as accessing police records, talking to relatives of a target, and interacting with society, mimicking other organisms to achieve this goal and/or to get closer to their target. In combat, often abuses its liquid body to allow nothing to impede it as it continues its attack, such as passing through gates, growing limbs to operate a helicopter, or inhibit the movements of its foes to gain the upper hand

Weaknesses: Can affected or killed by extreme heat (while resistant to fires, it's ability to mimic other things will be hampered and it must be in a suitable temperature to reestablish a human appearance, when dipped into liquid substances that are at or over 1535 degrees Celsius, such as liquid iron, the T-1000 effectively dies beyond possible reconstitution due to mixing with the molten metal). Concentrated corrosive materials such as acid can also damage it. Extremely low temperatures will slow it down by freezing it but it will not kill it, although shattering it will cause numerous glitches to occur afterwards that impair its shapeshifting abilities to look less than perfect.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving T-1000