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Shouto Todoroki Full Body Uniform
If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!
~ Shoto to Ingenium

Shouto Costume
If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!
~ Shoto to Ingenium

Shoto Todoroki 2nd Costume Full
If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!
~ Shoto to Ingenium

My Hero 3rd Season Shoto
If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!
~ Shoto to Ingenium

Shoto Todoroki Gamma Costume
I may be your half-baked little brother... but let me say this! Dad was a madman! Our family was screwed up! But when you burned all those people to death... that was your choice. You're not taking any more innocent lives! Just aim all your rage at us!
~ Shoto to Dabi


Shoto Todoroki (轟焦凍 Todoroki Shōto), also known as Shoto (ショート Shōto), is one of main protagonists of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series.

Shoto is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, where he got in through official recommendations and is training to become a Pro Hero. He is the youngest son of Endeavor, the current No. 1 Pro Hero of Japan, and the person Shoto aspires to surpass in the future.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A, High 7-C with Half-Cold, higher with Flashfreeze Heatwave | 8-A, High 7-C with Half-Cold, higher with Flashfreeze Heatwave | 8-A, High 7-C with Half-Cold, higher with Flashfreeze Heatwave, far higher with Flashfire Fist | 8-A, High 6-C with Half-Cold Half-Hot, higher with Flashfire Fist and Flashfreeze Heatwave

Key: U.A. Beginnings Saga | Joint Training Arc | Endeavor Agency Arc | Final War Arc

Name: Shoto Todoroki, "Shoto" (Hero Name)

Origin: My Hero Academia

Gender: Male

Age: 15 (First Appearance), 16 (Current)

Classification: Human, Hero-in-Training

Powers and Abilities:

  • Resistance to Cold and Heat (His body is naturally resistant to his own Quirk, and he has improved this resistance with training)

All previous abilities, plus:

  • Flight (Able to float and travel in the air using his fire side)
  • Limited Power Nullification (Capable of neutralizing heat/fire with his Phosphor technique)

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Stronger than Base Deku and most Pro Heroes), Large Town level+ with Half-Cold (Capable of stopping multiple steel beams at once), higher with Flashfreeze Heatwave (His strongest attack that combines the full power of both sides of his Quirk) | Multi-City Block level (Has focused on improving his Quirk and his control over it), Large Town level+ with Half-Cold, higher with Flashfreeze Heatwave | Multi-City Block level, Large Town level+ with Half-Cold, higher with Flashfreeze Heatwave, far higher with Flashfire Fist (One shotted Leviathan, who had tanked his Flashfreeze Heatwave) | Multi-City Block level, Large Island level+ with Half-Cold Half-Hot (All For One praised his Quirk along with Wave Motion, considering both to be strong. Was capable of clashing with Dabi's Blueflame, which is strong enough to match Endeavor's Flashfire Fist), higher with Flashfire Fist and Flashfreeze Heatwave (By raising his flames to their maximum and compressing them into a small point, he can drastically increase his output. His Flashfreeze Heatwave is much stronger than his normal attacks), Can ignore conventional durability with Half-Cold Half-Hot (His ice attacks were able to freeze solid half of USJ Nomu's body despite it being as durable as All Might. Capable of using Flashfire Fist moves, fire attacks with a heat so high that it can burn people on All Might's level)

Speed: Athletic Human (Faster than Base Deku) with Hypersonic reactions and combat speed (Able to react and dodge Ingenium's Recipro Burst), Supersonic+ attack speed with Half-Cold Half-Hot (Can create ice structures in the blink of an eye, and his fire side is just as quick) | Hypersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Managed to keep up with Chimera), Hypersonic+ attack speed with Half-Cold Half-Hot | Hypersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Can keep up with Dynamight at the Endeavor Agency), Hypersonic+ attack speed with Half-Cold Half-Hot (Matched the speed of 10% Deku), higher with Flashfire Fist (By condensing his flames to a white-hot point, he can boost the speed of his attacks) | Sub-Relativistic reactions and combat speed (Was able to keep up with Dabi's Flashfire Fist, which is faster than Endeavor's), higher with Flashfire Fist and Flashfreeze Heatwave (Can propel himself at such speed that Dabi was only barely able to react to his approach)

Lifting Strength: Class 100 (Base Deku considered him strong in every way, including his physical stats), Class T with Half-Cold (Capable of stopping multiple steel beams) | Class K (Stronger than before), Class T with Half-Cold | Class K, Class T with Half-Cold | Class K (Far stronger than before after a year of relentless training), Class T with Half-Cold

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level | Multi-City Block level | Multi-City Block level | Multi-City Block level, Large Island level+ with Flashfire Fist (Can enhance his strikes with Flashfire just like Endeavor)

Durability: Multi-City Block level+ (Can withstand a strike from 5% Deku, who is this strong. Took a kick in the head from Ingenium using Recipro Burst) | Multi-City Block level+ (Can take multiple attacks from Real Steel during the Joint Training Exercise) | Large Town level+ (Withstood being slammed through the ground by Leviathan) | Large Island level+ (Capable of taking attacks from Dabi's Flashfire Fist, which is superior to Endeavor's)

Stamina: Superhuman (Can keep fighting with Deku even while being affected by frostbite. Fought continuously for eight hours with Pixie-Bob's Earth Beasts. Is able to endure a long battle against Real Steel. Can survive the overuse of either side of his Quirk for an extended period of time)

Range: Standard Melee Range, up to Hundreds of Meters with Half-Cold Half-Hot (Able to create ice structures hundreds of meters in size and envelop several city blocks in fire. Can completely froze solid part of a city with his Great Glacier Aegir)

Standard Equipment: His Hero Costume, which was made from a special fiber that is able to endure the cold and heat of his Quirk. There is a special device near his neck that senses his body temperature, and it automatically cools down or heats up accordingly. It's used for supporting the vest;

  • Combat Vest: It's capable of sensing Shoto's temperature which automatically cools down or heats up according to the facet of his Quirk he's using in order to stabilize his body temperature.
  • Utility Belt: The metal capsules that hang on the belt contain water, pain medication, and disinfectants. This makes up the first aid kit.
  • Snow Boots: They have spikes that are placed under the soles. This prevents slipping in frozen places.
  • Wrist Guards: As an upgrade to his costume, Shoto received new wrist guards made from the same material as his vest. They appear to help him control the temperature of his ice and flames by keeping the high temperatures from travelling up his arms to his upper body.

Intelligence: Gifted (Shoto is extremely intelligent, having one of the highest grades in his class and proficient enough in battle to be able to dispatch most villains effortlessly. He is also considered the single most competent member of Class 1-A in combat, which includes the likes of Dynamight and Deku, and got into U.A. by recommendation rather than taking the Entrance Exam)

Standard Tactics: Shoto usually starts his battles by sending waves of ice to his opponent from a great distance, while using his fire to stabilize his body temperature. If his opponent gets close enough, Shoto will release a large amount of fire to keep them away and use his ice to move quickly on the battlefield. As of the Joint Training Arc, Shoto has learned how to use both his ice and fire interchangeably, primarily from long-range.

Weaknesses: Overusing one aspect of his power will cause him to overheat or lower his body temperature to dangerous levels. Using his strongest ice attack will cause his body to freeze instantly, significantly reducing his overall speed. According to Stain, Shoto relies on his Quirk too much in-combat, which makes him a careless fighter, although this weakness has been mitigated over time. Phosphor requires intense concentration to maintain and time to build up, and losing his focus will cause the technique to deactivate.

Feats: Created a massive ice structure that dwarfed a stadium, and melted it shortly after. Can freeze a whole lake in an instant. His firepower was stated to be on par with Endeavor's by All Might. Is capable of resisting the extreme temperatures of his own Quirk. His Phosphor is capable of chilling down even Dabi's intense Flashfire Fist, which are vastly superior to Endeavor's.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Half-Cold Half-Hot: Shoto's Quirk grants him the ability to generate fire with the left side of his body and ice with the right side of his body. Due to his grudge against his father, Shoto's heavily prefers to use his powers over ice, allowing him to freeze entire buildings and any inhabitants caught inside, in addition, to easily dispatching the Villain Alliance grunts sent to attack him. The drawback to his Quirk arises from his need to maintain his own body temperature. Excessive use of his ice power causes Shoto to suffer from frostbite. As a result, the power of his ice attacks wanes if uses them for too long without rest. However, Shoto's can easily solve this drawback with his firepower, using his fire to heal himself from the frostbite.

  • Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall: Shoto creates a humongous ice glacier with his powers to restrain or block a target with the sheer volume of ice. This was first used against Hanta Sero but proved effective against even Pro Heroes like Eraser Head. The main downside to this move is that the amount of ice rapidly lowers his body temperature, forcing him to use his fire powers again. He can control the size of the ice wall to some degree. When he used this technique against Dynamight, Shoto created a much more controlled version compared to when he attacked Cellophane with it.
  • Wall of Flames: Shoto uses his left side to generate a burst of flames that covers a large area. This is both a defensive and offensive attack similar to his Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall technique. It can be used to attack multiple opponents and create space between Shoto and his target.
  • Flashfreeze Heatwave: Shoto cools the air around him with his ice powers, then switches to his fire and quickly heats and expands the air around him. This allows him to release an overheated blast.
  • Flashfire Fist - Jet Kindling: A move learned from his father's signature technique, Flashfire Fist. Shoto concentrates his flames into a white-hot point on his fist and punches the opponent. On contact, a violent explosion of flames burst out of Shoto's arm, severely burning his target.
  • Phosphor: Shoto circulates both halves of his Quirk throughout his body, merging the fire and ice into one ability. This Ultimate Move also serves as a basis for other moves Shoto uses.
  • Coldflame's Pale Blade: Using the combination powers of Phosphor, Shoto throws a piece of the conjoined fire and ice at his opponent, launching them a great distance backward.
  • Great Glacial Aegir: Shoto builds up his fire and ice, rushes toward his opponent, hits them with his fist and unleashes a massive wave of cold fire, able to extinguish the hottest of flames, as well as cover a massive section of terrain completely in ice.


Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Muscular (My Hero Academia) Muscular's Profile (Final War Arc Shoto was used. Speed was equalized)

Wolfram (My Hero Academia) Wolfram's Profile (Final War Arc Shoto and Wolfram with Quirk Enhancer were used)

Nine (My Hero Academia) Nine's Profile (Final War Arc Shoto was used)

Sub-Zero (Injustice: Gods Among Us) Sub-Zero's Profile (Final War Arc Shoto was used. Speed was equalized)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) Dynamight's Profile (Final War Arc Shoto and Final War Arc Dynamight were used)


Discussion threads involving Shoto