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VS Battles Wiki
Hunter of the dark by ultimasky13-d4bj98m


While making her way through the Valley of the Darkness in an attempt to return home, Aqua is stalked by the Dark Hide. Aqua detects the Heartless's presence, and the Master's Defender appears in her hand. The Dark Hide attacks Aqua from behind, knocking her down, but the young Keyblade Master quickly retaliates with a Firaga spell. This forces the Dark Hide to flee back into the shadows; Aqua can only see its glowing red eyes. Aqua realizes that her attacker is not an Unversed, and like the creatures she has faced in the Realm of Darkness thus far, it is one of the realm's denizens. Aqua engages the Dark Hide in battle, emerging victorious after a strenuous showdown.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 1-C

Name: Dark Hide

Origin: Kingdom Hearts

Gender: None (Heartless are made of pure darkness and thus have no gender)

Age: Unknown

Classification: Heartless

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Heartless PhysiologyEnhanced Senses, Fire Manipulation, Self-DuplicationAfterimage CreationEnergy Blasts, Resistance to Ice Manipulation and Cosmic Radiations

Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (Capable of holding its ground against post-Birth by Sleep Aqua)

Speed: Infinite (When the game switches to the Dark Hide's point of view, Aqua appears to be moving in slow motion)

Lifting Strength: Class M

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level (The Dark Hide's physical attacks are able to seriously harm Aqua)

Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level (Took several hits from Aqua before going down)

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Extended Melee Range by virtue of sheer size. Tens of Meters with afterimages, energy attacks, and chain claws. Low Multiversal with the Corridors of Darkness

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown. Likely non-sentient, as Heartless are purely driven by instinct to collect Hearts. However, it has shown itself to be similar to stalker-type predators like tigers, hiding in the shadows before lunging at its prey

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Claw Swipes: The Dark Hide quickly swipes at the enemy with its claws.
  • Tail Whip: The Dark Hide spins around, attempting to hit the enemy with its tail.
  • Buzz Saw: The Dark Hide does a damaging mid-air flip.
  • Flame Charge: The Dark Hide charges at the enemy, leaving a trail of flames in its wake.
  • Shadow Bomb: Shoots a dark orb of energy that sucks in the target. After a few seconds, the orb detonates and expands to cover a wide blast radius.
  • Mega Flare: The Dark Hide shoots a large fireball that detonates in a large explosion.
  • Illusion Charge: The Dark Hide sends out an afterimage which performs Flame Charge, followed by the other afterimages and the original in rapid succession.
  • Illusion Claw: Each of the Dark Hide's afterimages strikes the enemy with their claws.
  • Illusion Spin: The Dark Hide spins at high speeds, using its four afterimages to charge at its opponent, before pouncing from above, creating a massive shockwave.


Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Dark Hide