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ByakuyaKuchiki (PreTimeskip) (Bleach) (fix)
I have already told you. You and I, our levels are as distant as the earth from the heavens. Must I spell it out for you? I have discarded my left arm, discarded my left leg, and yet even so, I have not nearly lowered myself to your level.
~ Byakuya to Zommari

Byakuya Render

Even if I scatter and never bloom again

I scatter like a flame, beautifully

Post-Royal Guard Training Byakuya
If you wield your blade without regard for your own life, you will find yourself unable to protect anything.
~ Byakuya to Rukia

ByakuyaKuchiki (Young) (Bleach)


Byakuya Kuchiki is the 28th head of the Kuchiki Clan, one of the four great noble clans in Soul Society. He is also the captain of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13. Cold and aloof, he is initially completely dedicated to the laws of Soul Society, but becomes more compassionate after his adopted sister, Rukia Kuchiki, is saved from execution by Ichigo Kurosaki.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 6-B, higher with Bankai, far higher with Senkei, even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken | At least High 6-A, higher with Bankai, far higher with Senkei, even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken | At least High 6-A, higher with Bankai, far higher with Senkei, even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken | High 6-A, higher with Bankai, far higher with Senkei, even higher Shūkei: Hakuteiken

Key: Soul Society Arc | Arrancar Arc | Post-Timeskip | Post-Royal Guard Training

Name: Kuchiki Byakuya

Origin: Bleach

Gender: Male

Age: At least 150 years old

Classification: Shinigami, Captain of the 6th Division, 28th Head of the Kuchiki Family

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Country level (Capable of clashing evenly with Shikai Ichigo multiple times and possesses very high Attack and Spiritual Pressure stats[27][28][29][Note 1]), higher with Bankai (Tore through Shikai Ichigo's defenses with Senbonzakura Kageyoshi and one-shot Bankai Renji[30][31][32]), Country level+ with Senkei (Senkei doubles Byakuya's lethal power by condensing the petals into swords[33]), even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken (Byakuya's final move that condenses all of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi into a single blade and pair of wings, he was able to momentarily clash with Ichigo's condensed Black Getsuga Tenshou and slash Ichigo before losing the battle[34][35][36][Note 2]) | At least Multi-Continent level (Byakuya cuts down Resurreccion Zommari[37], with the databooks affirming that his arrogant statements of superiority to Zommari were simply facts[38], arising from the difference in their powers from birth[39], and he burnt Resurreccion Yammy[40][Note 3]), higher with Bankai (Harmed Resurreccion Yammy[41][42], and he killed Maximal Resurreccion Yammy with Zaraki[43]), far higher with Senkei (Doubles Byakuya's power[Note 4]), even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken (This is Byakuya's ultimate technique) | At least Multi-Continent level (Stronger than before, Byakuya cuts through the spikes and casual Blut Vene of As Nodt, and halts Mask[44][Note 5]), higher with Bankai (Stronger than before, killed Tsukishima, albeit he was off-guard[45]), far higher with Senkei (Doubles Byakuya's power[Note 6]), even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken (This is Byakuya's ultimate technique) | Multi-Continent level (Unohana, who knows Byakuya is being trained by Squad 0, implies he can cross swords with Post-Unohana training Zaraki[46], Byakuya got so strong As Nodt mistook his Shikai for a Bankai[47], shreds through Vollstandig As Nodt's eyes[48], and considering As Nodt was cautious enough to use Blut against a weaker Byakuya, it stands to reason he'd be using Blut against a stronger Byakuya. Byakuya halts Vollstandig NaNaNa, Vollstandig Robert, and Vollstandig Bazz-B[49], he holds his own against Robert, NaNaNa, and Candice[50], and he's so strong that despite holding back, he is worried he will kill Hisagi[51][Note 7]), higher with Bankai (Shreds through Sklaverei enhanced Vollstandig Robert[52]), Multi-Continent level+ with Senkei (Doubles his power[Note 8]), even higher with Shūkei: Hakuteiken

Speed: High Hypersonic (Can react against and block an attack from Post-Bankai Training Bankai Ichigo even though he can’t keep up with him. Is one of the most proficient practitioners of Shunpo in the Gotei 13 and should therefore be at least this fast), High Hypersonic+ attack speed when controlling his Bankai (Doubles his Bankai attack speed. Was fast enough to almost catch Post-Bankai Training Bankai Ichigo) | At least Massively Hypersonic (Kept up with Zommari who was stated to be the fastest Espada [was also reiterated in a Databook]), Massively Hypersonic+ attack speed when controlling his Bankai (When used with the palm of your hand, Senbonzakura doubles in speed) | At least Massively Hypersonic (Comparable to his Pre-Timeskip self), Massively Hypersonic+ attack speed when controlling his Bankai (When use the palm of your hand, Senbonzakura doubles your speed) | At least Massively Hypersonic (Fought on par with resurrected Gerard), Massively Hypersonic+ attack speed when controlling his Bankai

Lifting Strength: Class M (Clashed with Ichigo multiple times) | Class M (Stronger than before), Class G with Senbonzakura (Stronger than Rage form Yammy) | At least Class M (Even stronger than before), Class G with Senbonzakura | At least Class M (Far stronger than before), Class T with Senbonzakura (Stopped Gerard's attack)

Striking Strength: Country level (Comparable to his Attack Potency, as he physically matched Shikai Ichigo), Country level+ with Senkei (Comparable to his Attack Potency, as he physically matched Bankai Ichigo) | At least Multi-Continent level (Should be comparable to his Attack Potency, as he should be physically comparable to his low-to-mid level Kido), far higher with Senkei (Doubles his strength) | At least Multi-Continent level (Stronger than before), far higher with Senkei (Doubles his strength) | Multi-Continent level (Comparable to his Attack Potency, as he can clash with the likes of Candice physically), Multi-Continent level+ with Senkei (Doubles his strength)

Durability: Country level (An injured Byakuya was able to body block an attack from Gin, albeit Gin's attack did pierce him, he is capable of briefly blocking Renji's Bankai[53][54], and was able to evenly clash with Shikai Ichigo, thus should be comparable to his Attack Potency[Note 9]), Country level+ with Bankai (Capable of no-selling a Getsuga Tenshou from Shikai Ichigo, blocking strikes from Bankai Ichigo, and despite being heavily damaged by Ichigo's Partial Hollowfication, he was able to take three Black Getsuga Tenshous and remain standing[55][56][57][Note 10]) | At least Multi-Continent level (Should be comparable to his Attack Potency, as he'd be capable of withstanding the force of his own strikes,[Note 11] higher with Bankai (Byakuya can condense loads of petals into the shape of a shield to better block attacks, and he is capable of withstanding the force of his own strikes using Senkei[Note 12]) | At least Multi-Continent level (Stronger than before, blocked a strike from Tsukishima prior to Tsukishima using Book of the End of get stronger[58][Note 13]), higher with Bankai (Blocked a strike from a Book of the End enhanced Tsukishima[59][Note 14]) | Multi-Continent level (Defended against attacks from a desparate Vollstandig Candice[Note 15]), higher with Bankai

Stamina: Superhuman (Able to battle competitively for an extended period of time and keep going while sustaining heavy wounds. Vastly weaker characters can fight for days without rest and with wounds that would be fatal to even the hardiest of normal humans. Capable of fighting at his near peak for extended periods of time even with all the muscles and tendons in both left limbs being destroyed. Able to casually withstand Absolute Zero temperatures. Remained very calm after his fight with As Nodt, having his stomach ripped out and being viciously attacked by his Bankai)

Range: Extended Melee Range normally; Hundreds of Meters with Senbonzakura and Kido spells

Standard Equipment: His Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura, Oken Clothing

Intelligence: Byakuya has had decades of experience as a captain of the Gotei 13, being renowned as one of the most skilled swordsmen, Shunpo practitioners, and Kido users in all of Soul Society. He was able to pick apart the mechanics and limitations of Zommari's abilities after a short time and came up with countermeasures to defeat him while protecting a mind-controlled Rukia. However, his skill can make him somewhat arrogant, such as underestimating Ichigo's growth and being caught off guard during his fight with the Vandenreich.

Weaknesses: He usually keeps an 85 cm diameter surrounding him where the blades of his Shikai and Bankai won’t travel, so as to protect himself from being injured by them (This isn’t a necessity, though, as he can bring them into that area if he wants), Can be somewhat arrogant at times.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Shunpo: A Shinigami movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps, thus giving off a similarity to teleportation.

  • Senka: A Shunpo technique described as a Shunpo with a physical twist. Byakuya uses Shunpo to approach his opponent's back and attacks their Saketsu and Hakusui. Thus sealing off the opponent's Spiritual Powers.
  • Utsusemi: Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihō: Just before he's struck by an attack, Byakuya quickly leaves his haori behind as a decoy while moving quickly enough to create an afterimage. This tricks the target into believing that they struck him, leaving them open to attack.

Hakuda: The shinigami art of hand-to-hand combat. Byakuya is quite proficient in Hakuda as he is capable of holding off an opponent like the Lieutenant Hisagi using Shikai and Byakuya's Zanpakutō with just Hakuda.

Shikai: The initial release to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō. It is activated by a command while declaring the name of the Zanpakutō Spirit. It changes the shape of the Zanpakutō and/or granting special abilities.

  • Senbonzakura: Byakuya's Zanpakutō. It normally takes the form of an ornate katana, but once he triggers it's activation with the command "Scatter", it splits into a thousand tiny blades. These blades are too small to be seen normally, but reflect light in such a way that they appear to be shaped like cherry blossoms. He can direct them by swinging the hilt of his sword. These blades cannot enter within 85cm of Byakuya unless he himself allows the blades to enter the area, creating a "woundless area" that can be entered to take him by surprise. Byakuya later trained with the Royal Guard to gain a greater understanding of Senbonzakura, giving him even greater control and the ability to produce constructs on a large scale to a point that a previous wielder of Senbonzakura mistook the Shikai for the Bankai.

Bankai: The ultimate and final release to a Zanpakutō. The difference in power between Shikai and Bankai is generally around 5-10 times more powerful. Even though Bankai is the final stage of a Zanpakutō, it does not mean the Shinigami's growth ends there. A Bankai, especially one recently obtained, can evolve even further as its Shinigami gets stronger.

  • Senbonzakura Kageyoshi: Byakuya's Bankai is a much grander version of his Shikai. Upon activation, he drops Senbonzakura into the ground, passing into it like water until a thousand giant blades rise from it that split into a hundred million blades. Byakuya controls these blades mentally, but can double their efficiency and speed by using his hands. He can use these blades to attack his opponent as well as form makeshift barriers for defense. The sheer quantity lets him do both simultaneously, making it difficult to reach him.
  • Senkei: Byakuya compresses Senbonzakura into four rows of thousands of glowing swords that encircle himself and his opponent to limit their freedom of movement. It is Senbonzakura's true form and it has abandoned defense for the sake of pure offense to kill the enemy. A thousand blades are formed by the petals of Senbonzakura and the blades have their strength explosively increased through the petals hardening into the shape of a sword. The increases is double of it's previous state and Byakuya is not limited to one sword at a time either. Byakuya is reluctant to use this ability and will only do so for those he has sworn to kill himself.
  • Ikka Senjinka: Byakuya attacks a single target with all of his Senkei swords at once.
  • Gōkei: All the petals surrounding the enemy in a sphere, thus preventing escape, and converge onto the target. An attack from every direction at once.
  • Shūkei: Hakuteiken: The final ability of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi. All the petals of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi concentrate into one blade to maximize it's power into one point.

Kidō: Spells casted by Shinigami with strong enough Reiryoku and Reiryoku control. Kidō is divided into mainly three categories: Hadō for attacks, Bakudō for battle support and Kaidō for healing. The spells are ranking from 1-99 with 1 being the weaker and easier spells to cast and 99 being the most powerful and difficult to cast. Skilled users can cast Kidō without the need of an incantation; however, casting without incantation does reduce the Kidō's effectiveness less than a third of it's full potential. Byakuya is an exceptional user in the art.

  • Unnamed Barrier: Byakuya covers his target in a barrier to protect them from attacks.
  • Hadō #1: Shō: From the point of the finger, the caster fires a spiritual bullet towards the target to cause a motion of impact, damage is explicitly not done to the target.
  • Hadō #4: Byakurai: High density Reiryoku is gathered on the caster's finger tip and lightning is fired towards the pointed target. The higher the Reiryoku of the caster the greater the puncturing capabilities.
  • Hadō #33: Sōkatsui: An explosive blue flame is fired from the caster's hand. A simple Hadō; however, the power of the caster is reflected in the explosion.
  • Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō: Upon pointing at their target, the caster generates 6 prongs of Reiatsu that close in on the target to immobilize them in place. It restricts all movements, even untouched parts of the target.
  • Bakudō #81: Dankū: Upon activation, the caster generates a barrier that is capable of the complete nullification of any Hadō of the level 89 or lower. However, this barrier is not solely limited to Hadō as it can nullify the effects of abilities that are similar to Hadō.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. Bleach: Chapter 595
  2. Bleach: Chapter 299
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Bleach: Chapter 165
  4. Bleach: Chapter 301
  5. Bleach: Chapter 145
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Bleach: Chapter 142
  7. Bleach: Chapter 266
  8. Bleach: Chapter 302
  9. Bleach: Chapter 382
  10. Bleach: Chapter 140
  11. Bleach: Chapter 502
  12. 12.0 12.1 Bleach: Chapter 501
  13. Bleach: Chapter 141
  14. Bleach: Chapter 464
  15. Bleach: Chapter 496
  16. Bleach: Chapter 586
  17. Bleach: Chapter 301
  18. Bleach: Chapter 161
  19. 19.0 19.1 Bleach: Chapter 164
  20. Bleach: Chapter 671
  21. Bleach: Chapter 166
  22. Bleach: Chapter 595
  23. Kubo's Club: 321
  24. Bleach: Chapter 545
  25. Bleach: Chapter 519
  26. Bleach: Chapter 570
  27. Bleach Chapter 153
  28. Bleach Chapter 160
  29. Bleach Official Bootleg: Bleach Color+
  30. Bleach Official Character Book Souls
  31. Bleach Chapter 161
  32. Bleach Chapter 142
  33. Bleach Official Character Book Souls
  34. Bleach Official Character Book Souls
  35. Bleach Chapter 166
  36. Bleach Chapter 167
  37. Bleach Chapter 302
  38. Bleach Official Character Book 2 Masked
  39. Bleach Official Character Book 3 Unmasked
  40. Bleach Chapter 379
  41. Bleach Chapter 382
  42. Bleach Chapter 383
  43. Bleach Chapter 422
  44. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  45. Bleach Chapter 472
  46. Bleach TYBW Episode 10
  47. Bleach TYBW Episode 19
  48. Bleach TYBW Episode 19
  49. Bleach TYBW Episode 21
  50. Bleach TYBW Episode 23
  51. Bleach TYBW Episode 23
  52. Bleach TYBW Episode 23
  53. Bleach Official Character Book Souls
  54. Bleach Chapter 141
  55. Bleach Chapter 161
  56. Bleach Chapter 163
  57. Bleach Chapter 166
  58. Bleach Chapter 464
  59. Bleach Chapter 472


  1. 38.94 Teratons
  2. 77.88 Teratons
  3. 2.2175 Exatons
  4. 4.435 Exatons
  5. 2.2175 Exatons
  6. 4.435 Exatons
  7. 11.0875 Exatons
  8. 22.175 Exatons
  9. 38.94 Teratons
  10. 77.88 Teratons
  11. 2.2175 Exatons
  12. 4.435 Exatons
  13. 2.2175 Exatons
  14. 4.435 Exatons
  15. 11.0875 Exatons


Discussion threads involving Byakuya Kuchiki