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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
You're doomed, Rayman...
~ Mr. Dark


Mr. Dark is one of the main antagonists of the Rayman video game series. In the first game and its remakes, he steals the Great Protoon, defeating Betilla the Fairy as she tries to protect it and imprisons the Electoons to draw their energy before scattering across the world, prompting Rayman to free Electoons and recover the Great Protoon back to its place. He is also a major villain in spinoffs such as Rayman Junior.

Powers and Stats 

Tier: At least Low 7-B, possibly 4-B

Name: Mr. Dark

Origin: Rayman

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Sorcerer, Ray-Person (presumably)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Manipulation, Magic, Clairvoyance (Can keep track of Rayman’s location by using his crystal ball), Forcefield Creation and Water Manipulation (Can shield himself with three bubble-like balls), Energy Absorption (Stole energy from Electoons), Fire Manipulation (Can shoot weirdly-moving fireballs, pillars of flame and multiple raining fire projectiles), Electricity Manipulation (Can fire lightning bolts at Rayman), Possible Explosion Manipulation (As seen here), Weather Manipulation (As seen here), Homing Attack (Can shoot homing fireballs), Telekinesis and Earth Manipulation (Can telekinetically control the earth), Darkness Manipulation, Flight (Is able to fly/levitate in the air), Summoning (Of meteors), Curse Manipulation, Possible Teleportation (As seen here), Size Manipulation (Can shrink Rayman as seen in Rayman Designer), Duplication / Death Manipulation (Created Dark Rayman who follows Rayman around and instantly kills him by simply touching), Power Nullification (Stole Rayman's ability to use his telescopic fist), Status Effect Inducement (Can cast a spell that makes Rayman uncontrollably run around, Can inverse the player's controls), limited Existence Erasure (Can make a rope disappear), Sealing (Trapped Betilla inside an orb), Transformation/Shapeshifting (Can transform into many different abominations and a dark orb that flies around), Transmutation (Able to turn The Magician and Betilla into garden gnomes, though it takes several hours), Statistics Amplification (Can turn smaller and get faster when damaged in his dark orb form), Text Manipulation (Did this to the Magic Book of Knowledge)

Attack Potency: At least Small City level, possibly Solar System level (Defeated Betilla the Fairy and The Magician with his magic and fought against Rayman, so he should at least scale to their low-end durability)

Speed: Varies from Massively Hypersonic to Sub-Relativistic (Can keep up with and dodge Rayman's fist attacks) with Massively FTL+ attack speed

Lifting Strength: At least Class K (Comparable to Rabbids, who can move airliners), likely Class M (Comparable to Rayman, who set up a trap with a giant 50,000-ton weight), possibly Class Z (The Rabbids pulled the continents in Rabbids Invasion's opening sequence)

Striking Strength: At least Small City level, possibly Solar System level

Durability: At least Small City level, possibly Solar System level (Scaling to his attack power. Can survive hits from Rayman)

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters or higher with magic.

Standard Equipment: Orb, Crystal Ball, Binoculars

Intelligence: High (Is very talented in magic skills. Imprisoned several of the Electoons, stole the Great Protoon and created Dark Rayman. Disabled Rayman's ability to attack in the start of his boss fight. In Rayman Junior, destroyed the map to his hideout after stealing the Magic Book of Knowledge to prevent The Magician from getting it back. Offered contracts to the player in Rayman Mini)

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Mr. Dark