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Maleficent is the protagonist of the movie that bears her namesake. Just as in the original Disney film, she curses Princess Aurora to die after pricking her finger on a spindle. However, Maleficent is not the Mistress of All Evil in this tale, but a fairy scorned by fate and a man she loved.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-C, possibly 9-B with Wings. At least 9-B with Telekinesis. At least 8-B with Plants. At least 9-A in phoenix form

Name: Maleficent

Origin: Maleficent (Movie)]

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Fairy

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight via Wings, Body Control (Her wings can still move and fly of their own accord after being removed), Regeneration (High-Low, reattached her wings and can quickly heal from minor burns), Magic, Telekinesis (lifted several armed soldiers), Transformation (transformed a raven into a man, wolf and dragon, transformed a woman into a goat, can shapeshift into a giant phoenix), Sleep Inducement, Blessing Inducement, Fate Manipulation, Curse Manipulation (Cursed Aurora, her curses are powerful enough that unless the requirements are met, they cannot be revoked even by herself), Reconstruction (Her curse caused a destroyed spinning wheel to repair itself), Deconstruction (Used her magic to disassemble a spinning wheel and the object it was magically linked to), Weather Manipulation (caused a storm over the Moors, caused an indoor rainstorm to annoy the fairies), Plant Manipulation, Healing (Can heal minor wounds, caused Aurora's wounds to disappear), Cloth Manipulation (Fixed Aurora's dress with her magic), Hair Manipulation (Fixed Aurora's hair with her magic), Resurrection (If she is turned to ash and the tears of a loved one get mixed in, she will resurrect in her phoenix form), Large Size (Type 0) in her phoenix form.

Attack Potency: At least Street level, possibly Wall level with Wings. At least Wall level with Telekinesis (Destroyed two stone walls with Telekinesis). At least City Block level with Plants (Created an impenetrable wall of thorns around the Moors, renewed it after an attack and used it to attack an army. Can create an army of plant monsters. Easily destroyed King Stephen's War Machines). At least Small Building level via sheer size in phoenix form. Deconstruction and transforming of others ignore durability

Speed: Normal human, likely Subsonic with Wings

Lifting Strength: Peak human physically (neck-lifted King Stefan), Class 1 (Lifted several armed Soldiers) with Telekinesis, at least Class 10 in phoenix form via sheer size, possibly higher

Striking Strength: At least Street level, possibly Wall level with Wings (Punches with Wings let Soldiers fly through the air), at least Small Building level in phoenix form

Durability: Human level. At least Street level with Wings (Unaffected by Swords), at least Small Building level in phoenix form

Stamina: Probably human level, higher with wings, high in phoenix form

Range: Several hundred kilometers with Plant Manipulation (Surrounded the Moors with an wall of thorns) and Weather Manipulation (Caused a storm over the Moors in her anger over her betrayal)

Standard Equipment: Staff

Intelligence: Unknown, at least Gifted with magic (is a skilled spellcaster)

Weaknesses: Iron burns weakens her should she come into physical contact with it. Her wings were sliced off after her betrayal



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Maleficent (Movie)