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VS Battles Wiki

You are prideful, cousin, I will grant you that. But we know what pride tends to go before.
~ 'Los to Roland

You may think you do, but you don't. And you don't want to. You don't ever want to see me with my disguises laid aside. Believe me, Ralph, you don't.


Lord of The Red, the Crimson King, or Ram Abbalah in the High Speech, is a foul entity which entered the multiverse for one reason, and one reason alone: to see the Dark Tower crumble, and to return all of existence to null and void so that he might refashion all in his unholy image. He is the main antagonist of the Dark Tower series, and as such is behind most, if not all of Roland Deschain, his distant relative's, suffering.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown | Unknown

Name: The Crimson King, The Antichrist, Big Red, Lord of Discordia, Lord of Chaos, Lord of the Spiders, Los', Los the Red, Ram Abbalah, Red Daddy, Satan, The Kingfish, The Red King, The Red

Origin: The Dark Tower

Gender: Male | Genderless

Age: Unknown, likely thousands of years old | Immeasurable (Older than creation itself)

Classification: Immortal, Undead, Were-Spider | Primordial Deity

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3, 8 and 9), Higher-Dimensional Existence, Large Size (Type 10), Regeneration (High-Godly; stated that his form would be "set free" by the collapse of the Dark Tower and the subsequent destruction of reality as a whole; can regenerate from complete narrative erasure), Invulnerability, Abstract Existence (Type 1; Embodies the concept of 'The Red', the force of chaos and evil which exists throughout every level of creation), Nonexistent Physiology, Void Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Madness Manipulation (Type 3), Telekinesis, TeleportationReality Warping, Magic, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Chaos Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Acausality (At least Type 4), Plot Manipulation, Forcefield Creation (Can create Plot Shields which nullify all attacks), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation as well as higher-dimensional travel, Summoning, Portal Creation, Sealing, Weather Manipulation (Able to manipulate portable storms), Empathic ManipulationOmnipresence, Death Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Cross-Universal BFR, Resistance to Existence Erasure

Attack Potency: UnknownUnknown

Speed: UnknownUnknown 

Lifting Strength: UnknownUnknown

Striking Strength: UnknownUnknown

Durability: Unknown (Patrick Danville, an artist with supernatural abilities to make his drawings reality, was not enough to fully destroy him) | Unknown

Stamina: Unknown | Infinite

Range: Unknown | Unknown

Standard Equipment: Maerlyn's Rainbow | None

Intelligence: Supergenius (Possessing an inhuman, alien intelligence, the King's knowledge spans an inordinate, infinite amount of time and space and he has knowledge of things which predate even existence itself. His myriad schemes have been known to lure even the most intelligent minds to serve his bidding)

Weaknesses: Paranoid. Grew increasingly unstable over the course of the novels, eventually running mad by the end of the series. | None notable

Key: Los' | Dis/Ram Abbalah

Note: While it is implied that Roland's guns might have been able to kill the Crimson King's avatar prior to him becoming undead, this theory was never proven, and the basis for that argument lay in the in-universe legend that the guns are capable of killing immortals. (Similarly to Excalibur, the sword which was melted down in order to forge them.) The legend itself also holds no context inside or outside of the story, and the supposed immortal-killing aspect of Roland's guns has never been shown at any point within the series.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving The Crimson King