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Chika Amatori (雨取あまとり 千佳ちか Amatori Chika) is one of the five main characters in the manga and anime series World Trigger and the main heroine of the series. She is a B-Rank Sniper and a member of Tamakoma Second.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A, High 8-C with Meteor, possibly higher

Name: Chika Amatori

Origin: World Trigger

Gender: Female

Age: 13-14

Classification: Human, High School Student, Border Agent, B-class Agent,Sniper

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Inorganic Physiology and Resistance to Pain Manipulation (As a Trigger user Her body is composed of entirely of Trion Energy and thus cannot feel pain), Forcefield Creation (Can generate a variety of shields), Considered to be one of Borders best Snipers, Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection (Is able to shoot blast of Trion with Hound and Meteor), Danmaku via Hound (as seen here she can create more than 20 projectiles at once and fire off multiple barrages at rapid fire, she should be able to create more via powerscaling as she has much more trion than Osamu), Homing Attack via Hound, Density Manipulation via Led Bullet (Can limit an opponent's mobility with bullets that generate weights, with a single one weighing about 100kg), Resistance to Extrasensory perception via Bagworm

Attack Potency: Small Building level+ (Easily destroyed a building with Ibis which yielded this result), Large Building level with Meteor (Blew up a mall which yielded this result), possibly higher (She has immense Trion level that more than Yuma's Trion level. Probably can make more higher-level damage)

Speed: Subsonic (Same as Osamu)

Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Scaling to Osamu, can endure the force of her shots and blast)

Striking Strength: Small Building level+

Durability Small Building level+, Large Building level with Shields (Can endure her own blast)

Stamina: Insanely High. She has immense Trion level that allows her consecutively practice shooting from morning until night without rest, like all others her Trion body is extremely efficient and doesn't feel pain which allows her to continue fighting after loosing limbs or receiving fatal injuries. Borders administration wants to use her immense Trion Energy to expand and power their expedition ship)

Range: Standard Melee Range. Hundreds of Meters with Meteor and Hound. Several kilometers with sniper Triggers.

Standard Equipment: Trion body, Ibis, Lightning, Meteor, Hound, Bagworm, and Shield

Intelligence: Gifted (Is highly adept at sniping and was trained by one of Borders best snipers being praised for her skill being considered to be one of the most dangerous and gifted snipers in the entire agency.)

Weaknesses: For a good portion of the story she could not harm humans as she is a kind-hearted person and admits that she was terrified of hurting others, though this is no longer the case as she's moved past this and is able to shoot people now.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Eaglet: Chika's main Trigger, a rifle with balanced range, firing speed and power.
  • Ibis: A heavy but powerful Sniper Trigger. She uses it to change the landscape which in turn would give her unit the upper hand.
  • Lightning: Lightning is the fastest Sniper Trigger, but lacks bullet power, with average, but good, range, lightness, and rapid-fire ability.
  • Lead Bullet: An optional trigger which can be equipped to any Gunner, Shooter, and Sniper trigger. It negates all offensive power of the bullets in exchange for creating weights that slow down and even paralyze the target, depending on the number of weights embedded in them. It can bypass shields, due to having no true offensive power. It costs a lot of Trion, which effectively slows down bullets, but Chika's massive Trion makes up for the speed loss. Chika equips it to Lightning, Ibis, or Hound, depending on the situation.
  • Meteor: A bullet that explodes when it lands, capable of attacking a wide area. By adjusting trion amount, the scale of the explosion can be set.
  • Hound: Hound allows the user to fire guided bullets, after either a single target or multiple targets. She uses it in combination with Lead Bullet, but because of her massive trion, the trigger creates a huge trion cube before it disassembles and shoots.
  • Bagworm: Border's optional trigger that renders the User invisible to Radar.


Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Chika Amatori