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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki


Brian was a washed up failure, until he was given the drug NZT-48 by his friend Eli. He was mistaken as his killer, until he was helped by a powerful senator, who had control over the NZT, in exchange for becoming his spy.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-A. 9-C with weapons

Name: Brian Finch

Origin: Limitless

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Classification: FBI Agent

Powers and Abilities: Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Weapon Mastery, Enhanced Senses, Genius Intelligence, Memory Manipulation (Has complete control and access to his memories), Body Control (Altered his own brain)

Attack Potency: Athlete level physically (Was able to able to physically match a trained Swat member). Street level (With weapons)

Speed: Peak Human, with Superhuman Reactions (Is able to process outcomes very quickly), Subsonic Movement Speed with running technology

Lifting Strength: Athlete level

Striking Strength: Athlete level

Durability: Athlete level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range, higher with guns and other technology.

Standard Equipment: Knives, guns, and advanced technology.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (With the usage of NZT, Brian becomes one of the smartest people on the planet, he was easily capable of bringing in most of the top 10 most wanted criminals in less than two weeks. He was capable of simultaneously mastering Quantum Mechanics and aging sciences in a day. When focused on training, he was able to gain 10 years' worth of experience in hours. He was able to hack into sophisticated robotic technology, just after learning how to hack. He was easily able to vastly upgrade an Artificial Intelligence after seeing it a few times. He has hacked into top secret secure government servers for fun. He manipulated trained CIA agents into killing each other after he was captured. He managed to bring down a crime organization easily, with limited NZT. He easily outsmarted the FBI, and found the origins of a drug within days, while dying from the side effects of NZT. He outsmarted others who were also using NZT).

Weaknesses: He needs to take NZT to become intelligent. He has to train with something, before he memorizes it.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Brian Finch