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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
A fiend from the deep. The Beholster wields six guns simultaneously, with each more fearsome than the last.
~ The Ammonomicon


Beholster is an eldritch otherworldly being that defends the Gungeon from intruders. Beholster is known for its many weapons and the ability to fire impressive energy rays from its bulbous eye. 

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least Low 4-C, possibly 4-C

Name: Beholster, Sphere of Many Guns

Origin: Enter the Gungeon

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Classification: Eldritch Entity

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection, Body Control, Danmaku, Firearm Mastery, Explosion Manipulation, Summoning, Flight, Large Size (Type 0), Non-Physical Interaction (Gungeon characters can all interact with spirits and beings that embody concepts), Resistance to Mind Manipulation (via Shotgun Full of Love, et al), Fear Manipulation (via Stone Dome), Transmutation/Shapeshifting (via Snakemaker, et al), Statistics Reduction (via Devolver), possibly others

Attack Potency: At least Small Star level, possibly Star level (Can tank the Black Hole Gun and more powerful weapons easily; Comparable to Blobulord, who is capable of absorbing stars)

Speed: Relativistic+ with Speed of Light reactions (Comparable to the Gungeoneer, who can dodge bullets and light-based weapons at close range)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Small Star level, possibly Star level

Durability: At least Small Star level, possibly Star level (Can survive attacks from the Gungeoneers)

Stamina: Superhuman, can battle the Gungeoneer

Range: Tens of Metres

Standard Equipment: Six varying firearms, ranging from simple pistols to rocket launchers

Intelligence: Gifted, comparable to those that operate the Treadnaught

Weaknesses: Movement is largely slowed while firing its eye beams, it is known to sacrifice its summons to gain an upper hand

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  •  Eye Beam:  Can generate a massive beam coming from its eye, dealing continuous damage to foes it can get caught in said beam.
  • Summon: The Beholster can summon smaller forms of itself, though will actively sacrifice these beings should it grant it an advantage.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
