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Barugon's egg was discovered in a cave on the island of New Guinea by exhibitioners. The egg was then taken back to Japan to be sold. The sailors of the ship left it under an infrared lamp. While the sailors were gone, the lamp incubated the egg and it hatched into a baby Barugon. The kaiju then grew to full size, causing the boat to explode.

Barugon then headed into downtown Osaka. As it rampaged, the military attempted to destroy it with military artillery, but Barugon destroyed it with his rainbow ray. The radiation of the ray attracted Gamera. The two kaiju fought, and just when Gamera got the upper hand, Barugon froze him. With the military and Gamera out of the way, Barugon left Osaka and headed for Tokyo. The military tried to lure Barugon into a deep lake, knowing he would drown in freshwater, with a large diamond on two occasions, the second attempt was to apply infrared light, but both failed. Just as all hope seemed lost, Gamera emerged from the ice and began to fight Barugon again. Gamera successfully defeated Barugon by dragging him deep into the lake. As Barugon was pulled down into the water, he began to bleed and soon drowned in the depths of the lake.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least High 6-C

Name: Barugon

Origin: Gamera

Gender: Unknown

Age: Millions of years old

Classification: Ancient reptile

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman speed and durability, Large Size (Type 1), Regeneration, Extendable tongue, Energy Manipulation, Rainbow Ray/Light Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Bodily Weaponry/Paralysis Inducement (Possess an organ to produce frosty liquid (-100 degree Celsius) that can be shot from his 30-meter-long weaponized tongue. The Chilling Liquid has an impressive range and potency, freezing entire city blocks in mere moments and radar horns atop his head)

Attack Potency: At least Large Island level (Can injure Gamera with its attacks[1].)

Speed: At least Sub-Relativistic combat speed/reflexes (Can attack fast enough to catch Gamera)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Can easily push Gamera)

Striking Strength: At least Large Island level

Durability: At least Large Island level (Survived multiple hits from Gamera)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Several meters by sheer size

Standard Equipment: Teeth

Intelligence: Average, as it is well aware when the Japanese military is trying to lure him into a trap.

Weaknesses: Freshwater

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Expandable Tongue: Barugon can use its expandable tongue to knock down walls, as well as hit opponents from a distance.

Icy Mist: Barugon's Icy mist is capable of freezing opponents or entire cities for eight hours.

Rainbow Ray: Baragon can use the spikes on his back to project a super-heated rainbow off his back

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. Gamera vs. Barugon (1966)


Discussion threads involving Barugon