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VS Battles Wiki
Aradia time stop


Aradia Megido, also known by her screen name apocalypseArisen is one of the trolls. Initially a ghost following her murder by Vriska, she later becomes a Sprite, and then a robot. She is instrumental in the defeat of the Black King due to her abuse of time travel to make hundreds of duplicates of herself. Later, when Jack Noir destroys the Troll's Derse, her dream self dies on her Quest Bed and she becomes a God Tier.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown | At least 8-B | At least 7-A, likely 5-C, possibly 5-B | Unknown. Likely 5-B, possibly higher.

Name: Aradia Megido, apocalypseArisen (screen name)

Origin: Homestuck

Gender: Female

Age: 6 solar sweeps when first introduced (approximately 13 earth years), currently 7.4 solar sweeps (approximately 16 earth years)

Classification: Troll, Sgrub player, Maid of Time

Powers and Abilities: Able to commune with the dead, Control over spirits, Intangibility, Invisibility, Flight, Telekinesis | Energy Projection, Matter Manipulation, Healing | Flight, Immortality (Type 1), Superhuman strength, speed, and durability, Telekinesis, Time travel | Flight, Time Manipulation and travel, Teleportation, Immortality (Types 1 and 4), Ability to stabilize time loops

Attack Potency: Unknown (Never shown in any actual combat) | At least City Block level (Other sprites have been shown to be capable of this level of destruction) | At least Mountain level (Slapped around Equius like a ragdoll, Beat Vriska to death, Considered one of the most powerful members of the team), likely Moon level (Likely comparable to Sollux in psychic power. Was capable of stopping the Reckoning's meteors and hurling them back at the Black King), possibly Planet level (The Reckoning has meteors large enough to destroy planets and pulverize Skaia in a short timeframe). | Unknown. Likely Planet level, possibly higher (Aradia's powers are not purely destructive, but she should at least be on a similar level to early God Tier John. However, many of her temporal powers and hax allow her to bypass conventional durability to an extent). Aradia's powers have shown to work on beings far above her level, such as Bec Noir and Lord English, though the latter wasn't serious at all and was only restrained for an incredibly short period.

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | At least Class G, likely higher (Comparable to Equius) | Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown | Unknown | At least Large City Class, likely far higher (Smacked Equius around while in a fit of rage) | Unknown

Speed: Unknown | At least Subsonic+, likely much higher (Other sprites have been shown to be capable of this level of speed | At least Hypersonic (Covered massive distances in very short periods of time, Should be comparable to Equius) | Massively FTL+ (Reacted the Jack Noir's attack, freezing him in place. Able to travel between universes)

Durability: Unknown | At least City Block level (Sprites are able to take a beating from many of the game's more advanced monsters) | At least Mountain level, likely far higher (Comparable to Equius, Casually able to kill many higher level monsters, Wasn't hindered in the slightest by ripping her own heart out of her chest) | Unknown. Likely Planet level, possibly higher (Survived Jack blowing up Derse, Should be comparable to similar level God Tiers)

Range: Standard melee range | At least several blocks | Standard melee range. Far higher with telekinesis | Unknown, possibly Multi-Universal

Standard Equipment: Fedora, Whip, Portable Time Machine

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: Lacks many powers useful for combat situations | Overly cryptic | Lost a significant amount of joy after becoming a robot | None notable

Key: Base | Aradiasprite | Aradiabot | God Tier


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
