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VS Battles Wiki
Sensei Front-0
Being a teacher means that one must be able to have their pupil stand on their own. With the teacher he relied on vanishing to a place he cannot reach, the flames of hatred will be fanned within him. He will take that first step forward... Everything will be okay, Shigaraki Tomura. Experience, hatred, regret. Let it all make you stronger. After all, You. Are. Next.
~ All for One's last laugh after his defeat


All For One (オール・フォー・ワン Ōru Fō Wan) also referred to as Sensei, is the true leader and founder of the League of Villains and the main antagonist of the series.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least Low 7-C | Likely High 7-C

Name: All For One, Sensei (Typically referred to as this)

Origin: My Hero Academia

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Leader of the League of Villains

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsLevitation, Longevity, Air Manipulation, Limited Infrared Vision, can reflect the impact of an attack back to the attacker, can coil his muscles like springs to boost his striking force and grow additional arms and protrusions, can improve his muscular strength with his Quirks, can grow drill-like protrusions out of his bones, can steal the powers of others, likely many others.

Attack Potency: At least Small Town level (Casually pulverized several city blocks) | Likely Large Town level (Damaged All Might in his prime and gave him a grievous wound)

Speed: High Hypersonic (Can keep up with All Might) | At least High Hypersonic (He called his current form "slow" compared to his old state)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G

Striking Strength: At least Small Town Class | Likely Large Town Class

Durability: At least Small Town level (Took All Might's punches) | Likely Large Town level (Took All Might's punches in his prime)

Stamina: High (Able to use All For One)

Range: Standard melee range. Tens of meters with his abilities.

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: All for One is a sinister chessmaster, organizing multiple plans at once and putting contingencies in place well in advance, outwitting the heroes on multiple occasions (as seen when he discovered U.A.'s secret training facility and attacked it to abduct Bakugou). He is manipulative and a master of exploitation, as shown when he brought Shimura Nana's grandson under his thrall, with the latter virtually worshipping him in spite of the fact that All for One was the one who killed his grandmother. He also appears to have a nearly impeccable memory, easily memorizing all of the Quirks he's stolen and utilizing them in tandem to make himself a formidable adversary that All Might was only barely able to defeat in their final confrontation.

Weaknesses: All for One is completely blind and is thus forced to rely on his Infrared Ray Quirk and his other senses to properly fight. He appears to have to make continuous physical contact with a target to steal their Quirk, He is a sadist and prefers to crush his opponents emotionally before killing them.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

All For One (オール・フォー・ワン Ōru Fō Wan): All For One's Quirk allows him to steal people's Quirks and renders them the user's own. This Quirk can also transfer and grant Quirks (stolen by All For One) to other people, he can even combine his stolen Quirks to create powerful and devastating attacks. In addition, those who have their Quirk/powers stolen will be rendered comatose until All for One is defeated. Even then, the theft is permanent, and it cannot be returned without his consent. All For One has stolen a variety of Quirks with his ability:

  • Search (サーチ Sāchi): All For One stole this Quirk from Ragdoll. With this Quirk, All For One can observe and monitor up to 100 people at a time, including their location and weak points.
  • Transmission (転送 Tensō): All For One can produce a black liquid that acts as a portal, similar in nature to Kurogiri's Warp Gate. It appears All For One can use this Quirk on a large scale as he produces multiple black liquid portals that transport dozens of Noumus to the League of Villains' hideout. Like Kurogiri's Warp Gate, this black liquid can also teleport people as seen when Katsuki is dissolved by the black liquid. This black liquid warping Quirk, however, has many limitations: this Quirk is not a co-ordinate based warping Quirk and can only warp things to and from his location. Also, the warping only works if it is used on someone with whom he has a close relationship.
  • Forcible Quirk Activation (個性強制発動 Kosei Kyōsei Hatsudō): All For One processes a Quirk that allows him to forcefully activate someone's Quirk against their will, whether they are conscious or not. This Quirk creates vain-like appendages that attach to the target and activate the target's Quirk. These vain-like appendages can also be used for offensive purposes. All For One used this Quirk to forcefully activate the unconscious Kurogiri's Warp Gate and made him create a portal.
  • Musculoskeletal Coiling: All for One is able to compress his muscles like a spring to boost the force of his physical blows as well as certain Quirks.
  • Air Propulsion: All for One fires an air shockwave from his arm that was powerful enough to blow All Might through several multi-story buildings while enhanced by several unnamed strength amplifying and instantaneous impact Quirks.
  • Impact Recoil (衝撃反転 Shōgeki Hanten): This Quirk seemingly enables All For One to reverse the impact of an attack and make the opponent suffer from it.
  • Bonespear: All for One grows drill-like bone protrusions wherever he wishes on his body.
  • Proliferation: All for One is able to grow additional arms.
  • Rivet: All for One is able to grow tough, rivet-like protrusions on his body.
  • Infrared Ray: All for One is able to see a very limited portion of the infrared spectrum, allowing him to compensate for his blindness somewhat.
  • Longevity: He appears to possess a Quirk that gives him superhuman longevity, as he has outlived seven users of One for All and has remained in fighting condition despite this.

Key: Weakened | Prime

​Note: This profile covers All For One as of the latest manga chapters, so be aware of heavy spoilers if you are watching the anime adaptation.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
