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VS Battles Wiki

Ahri OriginalSkin
Human emotions can be more volatile than even the deepest magic.

Ahri ArcadeSkin
Play time's over.

Ahri StarGuardianSkin
It’s time we decide our own destiny.


Innately connected to the latent power of Runeterra, Ahri is a vastaya who can reshape magic into orbs of raw energy. She revels in toying with her prey by manipulating their emotions before devouring their life essence. Despite her predatory nature, Ahri retains a sense of empathy as she receives flashes of memory from each soul she consumes.

Owner of the mysterious six-million-point high score in the infamously difficult beat-em-up Demacia Vice, Ahri is a force of nature on the retro battlefields of Arcade World. Dashing between bosses before ripping them apart with her 8-bit magic, she's already earned the nickname “Queen of the Arcade.”

Ahri is a charismatic captain who leads a team of both new and veteran Star Guardians, from the outer edges of the cosmos. Having experienced the pain of losing teammates in the line of duty, she is viciously protective of her “family,” and a strong desire burns within her to ensure no one she cares for ever fades away again. These events have also shaped how she approaches other teams and their captains, especially the less experienced ones like Lux. There’s no more room for patience and understanding in her universe—tough love is all that’s left. Though that be the case, none are immune to Ahri’s own unique charms.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 7-C | At least 7-B | Low 2-C

Name: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox, Iminha

Origin: League of Legends

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (Appears to be in her 20s)

Classification: Vastayan (Humanoid Fox), Huntress | Arcade Novice | Star Guardian

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Regeneration (Mid-low), Enhanced sense of hearing, Magic, Life Force Absorption, Self-Healing, Energy Manipulation and Projection, Statistics Amplification (Speed Amplification Via Orb of Deception), Fire Manipulation (Via Fox-Fire), Homing Attack (Via Fox-Fire), Empathic Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation (Can absorb and consume memories) | All previous abilities to a greater extent | All previous abilities to a much greater extent plus Flight/Spaceflight

Attack Potency: Small Town level+ (Can fight on-par with Garen, and similarly powerful champions). Can ignore conventional durability with Orb of Deception and Life Absorption | At least City level (Can fight on par with the Battle Bosses, Comparable to Arcade Miss Fortune), Can ignore conventional durability with Orb of Deception and Life Absorption | Universe level+ (All Star Guardians are imbued with the light of the First Star, which created the universe), Can ignore conventional durability with Orb of Deception and Life Absorption

Speed: Hypersonic+ with Massively Hypersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Can keep up with champions like Kled and Garen, as well as close range lightning/light-based attacks) | Hypersonic+ with Massively Hypersonic+ reactions and combat speed | Massively FTL+ (Capable of crossing galactic and universal distances in short periods of time)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Even weaker Vastayans can lift grown men over their head with one hand with no effort whatsoever) | At least Superhuman | At least Superhuman

Striking Strength: Small Town Class+ | At least City Class | Universal+

Durability: Small Town level+ | At least City level | Universe level+

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: At least dozens of meters with magic | At least dozens of meters with magic | Universal

Standard Equipment: Orb of Deception | Orb of Deception | Orb of Deception, Kiko (Her Familiar)

Intelligence: High (Was able to assimilate into human society in a very short amount of time, tricked dozens of men before she joined the League)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Essence Theft: Whenever Ahri hits an enemy with one of her abilities, she gains a charge of Essence Theft, and can gain up to 3 charges per ability. Upon reaching 9 charges, her next ability heals her for each enemy hit.
  • Orb of Deception: Ahri sends an orb of arcane energy in the target direction, dealing magic damage to every enemy it passes through, then pulls it back to herself, dealing true damage on the way back. While the orb is traveling, Ahri gains bonus movement speed.
  • Fox-Fire: Ahri summons three spectral flames which orbit her. After a brief delay, each flame targets the closest visible enemy, prioritizing champions, then the target of Ahri's last basic attack, dealing them magic damage. Multiple flames can hit the same target, but each flame beyond the first deals reduced damage.
  • Charm: Ahri blows a kiss in a line, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and briefly charming them. As demonstrated in her lore and the cinematic A New Dawn, this attack is not an actual projectile and does not require actual contact to take effect, rather Ahri simply manipulates the opponent's mind directly.
  • Spirit Rush: Ahri dashes and fires up to three energy bolts that each target one of her nearest visible enemies, dealing them magic damage. Each enemy can only be hit by one bolt at a time. Spirit Rush can be cast three times in succession.
  • Life Absorption: Ahri can absorb the life force of those she successfully manipulates or seduces, as well as those who are near death or have just died.
  • Emotion Control: Ahri is capable of freely manipulating her prey's emotions, allowing her to quickly alternate between dazzling them with visions of beauty, causing hallucinations of deep longing, and creating dreams colored by raw sorrow, among other things.

Key: Base | Arcade | Star Guardian


Notable Victories:

Whis (Dragon Ball) Whis' Profile (Note: Speed Equalized)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
